Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Another holi-day... (some pictures for your viewing pleasure too)

I have so much in mind right now and hell yeah, I start to feel old and fat... Before my trip to Cameron Highlands, I lost some weight and was so glad about it. During my trip, I tried to maintain my weight by not stuffing myself in everything that can be eaten and yes, I managed to do that and I was so proud of myself.
But my nightmare started when I came back to Singapore: World Cup!

The late night matches, pre-matches munchies, half-time tidbits and post-matches sweet treats caused me to balloon. Though my weighing scale says no, I feel so unhealthy! All the 2.30 am matches made me sleep all the way to 10 plus in the morning. When did I ever wake up so late? No more morning jogs, not even morning WALKS! I just feel so sleepy the whole day! The books that I bought was left on my shelves. The incomplete cross-stitch will most probably have to wait till the next holiday before I finish it.

The sad thing of all, I lost $ to "help Singapore grow grass"! lol
Lousy France, you better prove your worth tonight!

On the other hand, I was transferring some pictures from my desktop PC to my laptop and I saw some old pictures of me. So old, that I doubt I even had my blog back then to post it. I looked at all my past holiday photos and I feel so tempted once again to travel (not that I have the money haha!). My trip to Sydney and China just reminded me how nice it is to stay in a temperate country. No sweat (pun-intended) and lots of free scenery.

PS: Some of you must be thinking what happened to my Cameron's pictures. Well, they are in the midst of being uploaded and it takes ages to do that! hah!

Here, I will share with you some pictures of me which I don't think I show it on my blog before (since I only started my blog on March 16, 2008).
Laugh if you want, which you most likely will!

Gone are the carefree, lots-of-nonsense days! Looking back at my poly years, I missed them so much! NIE isn't as fun as I thought it should be...

Vintage man! Poly year 1 with yunfang and Joan. Oh man, I looked so tom boy back then. I remembered it was a CSAS presentation and we had to dress formal and speak without referring to any cards!

OH MY! Haggard old auntie. I was fat and still FAT. *dug a hole and hide myself* lol

AB33 Chalet! Life was so carefree!

See, we girls were so crazy back then. Taking some silly pictures after timbre!

The last day of Poly schoolday which I'm sure no one wanted the day to come. We were so happy then in our own little cliques but then we were also a close-knitted community as our cohort was a small one.

Went to IKEA to sort of celebrate the last day! kt, sorry not on purpose!

Our weird clique went for morning hike after I found a job and before the guys got dragged into NS and Michelle left for Aust. Remember guys? We watched Red Cliff after that and Ching Wei and Ciliang were busy deciding which characters they wanted to be. Talk so loud scared that whole cinema can't hear them haha... miss those days... think the next gathering will have to wait till the guys ORD!

I miss Sydney in autumn! But on second note, I looked so skinny back then! A little anorexic! My head is so big and my neck so thin! Can you see the hollows in my neck? Oh man, scary! Gaining weight may not be a bad idea after all!

With Gerri when I first joined SJI. Nerdy girls!

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