Friday, October 1, 2010

The Story of Madeleine

Have you heard of Madeleine?

It's not the name of a person, neither it is a type of nut.

Madeleine is a type of egg pastry that can be bought from Delifrance. It tastes like 鸡蛋糕 and is usually sold in a box of six at Delifrance. A box costs $3.80 now but I'm sure the price was cheaper in the past.

Anyway the story goes like this. The first time I had madeleine was when I was eight or nine year-old. Occasionally I would stay over at my godbrother's house to keep him company and Madeleine was a common tea or supper snack. I remember how I loved the sweet taste of the coating and how I would just take one or the most, two because of Mum's reminder: "Don't be greedy and take things that do not belong to you."

It was only on an occasion where we went to the airport to send my aunt, who used to be an air stewardess, off that I found out that there was a Delifrance at T1. There I saw my favorite Madeleines and my mouth was watering.

I remembered begging my mum to buy for me but when she saw the price, she gave me a deep stare which automatically shut my mouth out. I had to watch my godbrother eat the Madeleines that his mum bought for him and wishing how my mum could just give in to me for once. Of course, that never happened. Soon, this craving also stopped.

Twelve years later, I was hungry one day and decided to go school early to get something from Jurong Point. While I was searching for something light to eat, I
saw Delifrance and I thought I might as well buy a sandwich. Just when I was about to leave the diner, something caught my eyes.

It was the familiar madeleines that I have loved and forgotten.

Without battling of an eyelid, I took one box and paid for it despite of the sandwich which I have already bought. Then, I shared it with my classmates during tutorial.
The first bite immediately brought back a flush of memories and reminded me of the irony of life.

You may think how this post sounds silly but it dawned on me that something that
used to be precious and unattainable has become affordable over the years. Of course, Madeleine was just one of the many examples.

Eg. How I had to use second-hand phone and top up my prepaid card using my meagre allowance to buying the iPhone!
Eg. How Yoshinoya used to be the "expensive" restaurant that I frequent to it being the cheapo fast-food chain that I hate now
There are many more to achieve too.

So, what is the moral of the story?

A little hardship at the start may not be a bad thing afterall. In this way, you will treasure and appreciate the things more. I'm grateful for a harsh childhood for I know that those things that happened to me in the past will not take place again with me earning my own keep.

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