Saturday, March 5, 2011

I Love My Week!

Haven't been blogging for awhile. It's not because I'm lazy but I have been really busy, especially this week. Planning lesson plans, marking homework/corrections (don't make me talk about this) for a class of 42 have somehow become a routine. To be honest, even if I have the free time, blogging is the last thing on my mind. There's no pictures for sharing this week but i have rather some things to talk about.
I thought I had a lousy week due to the high workload BUT you have no idea how happy and grateful I am right now! I just had my first formal observation by my CT on Friday and the result was pleasant. Maybe slightly better than pleasant. I was surprised with the response from my students for it was the first time I planned a lesson on English composition and that is my weakest subject! I even conducted groupwork which can be hard to execute for a big class.

Nonetheless my CT was happy with the lesson and so am I. It was the first time where I saw cooperation between students and how my students actually told me that the lesson was fun and they enjoyed themselves. You have no idea how much those words mean to me!

Of course, these would not be made possible without having a great class to begin with. I'm grateful that I was given a good bunch of P5 students to work with. After working with so many problematic students, my current students are angels!

So, I just want to say that I will work hard, not for me but also for that lovely bunch of children for I know that my hard wok will be paid off!

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