Tuesday, February 8, 2011

恭喜发财!兔年旺旺!Reunion Dinner

This year's CNY is special because of my aunt and cousins are back to join us. 
The large group reunion dinner was a yearly event that we looked forward to as it will be my favourite steamboat at fifth uncle's house. There will be lots of yummy ingredients and not forgetting the "super ho liao" Yu Sheng that had abalone slices in it! *drooling uncontrollably*

So, after my make-up tutorial, Des came to fetch me and we went for our own mini reunion dinner at Dian Xiao Er. As per usual, we ordered the delicious roast duck, fish maw soup with abalone and XO fried rice. 

Then, it was straight to my uncle's house to help out which I didn't do much work at all hehe...

Pic taken with my cousins and aunt

My uncles, mum and aunt

Uncles with their wives

Yummy yu sheng with abalone slices leh...

The two girls are so excited about this

 Getting ready to Lao Yu Sheng

Group pic taken with my bro's cam before the night ended

A candid one with us shouting HUAT AH! So cute right!

Anyway, this group photo wasn't complete as well. My sis, bro-in-law, Lucas, 2nd aunt and cousin Marcus were not present.

Then it was time to go home. Thanks to 5th uncle and aunt for being such a good host this year. I remembered sleeping really early that night (instead of watching Stephen Chow's movie) because of all those nights staying up to bake my pineapple tarts.

Btw, some pics of the pineapple tarts that I baked. Apparently, it was so well-received that I had to bake two rounds to distribute to my relatives.



Doesn't look like tarts right? Actually it's called tangerine balls. It's shaped like a tangerine and I poke cloves in them so that the balls will be more fragrant after baking.
Oh, can you believe that when I was about to put in my second batch into the oven after spending hours preparing the dough and making the balls, the oven door could not be opened! Yes, that suay you know! I can imagine my efforts all gone to waste, especially after I spent hours doing something that was not my assignment. Apparently, the oven got so hot that the metal of the oven door expanded and got stuck. In the end, I had to keep everything in the fridge before my 6th uncle (yes, my saviour!) gave me his oven to continue baking!
Will post about Day 1 soon...

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