Sunday, February 6, 2011

How I wish CNY holiday lasts for 15 days...

Mum said I can't sigh during CNY.
But that's exactly what I wanna do right now.
So today (CNY Day 4) marks the end of my CNY celebration. 

Pre-CNY: Anticipation, hectic schedule, eagerness to wear your new clothes and get lots of angbaos
During-CNY: Binge on CNY goodies (which add on to your calories intake), Day-to-night visiting, gambling, drinking on fizzy drinks (Sarsi, F&N, Coke) 

What about post-CNY? 
That's the one I dread most! The aftermath of CNY is usually extreme. 
You either get fatter (uncontrollable eating) or skinnier (uncontrollable eating leads to indigestion and diarrhoea) LOL. I hope I am the latter.

Anyway, I just came back from an eventful day where we sent Aunt and Cousins off at the airport. 
(PS: Hey aunt, you never pay me, 5th aunt and mum for the extra crying scene that you requested for LOL, very hard to squeeze out the tears leh!)

Came across these two photos of me while I was packing my cupboard yesterday. 

Yes, I used to be so chubby that my cheeks looked like they were about to burst! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Happy studying/ working/ back to reality everyone!

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