Friday, February 25, 2011

You light up my life!

Nothing much about me except I will become more and more busy each week.
Happy and unhappy stuffs do happen at work. But all I can say is, nothing is perfect and I can only try to make my life easier by remembering the happy stuff and ignore the unhappy ones...

Anyway, whenever I feel sad or stressed, these pics below never fail to make me smile.

the mature look! he loves me so much cos he likes to play with me!

So hiao! I just made silly faces using my eyebrows and he smiled like this!

Handsome boy!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Grandma's @ NEX

I thought I share with you guys on this new dining option at NEX...

Met up with Joan after so long (more than 6 months!) and we decided to hit NEX to look for yummy food. There were so many restaurants and we finally decided on Grandma's, a place that sells local dishes like laksa, curry chicken and so on.

Well, I know about this restaurant when I was working at Novena. There was one at United Square and I remembered walking past the restaurant many times and seeing the long queue during lunch break.
I'm glad I tried out the restaurant yesterday! The food was worthwhile and definitely reminded me of my mum's cooking, especially the curry chicken!

sambal ladyfingers...

Salted egg yolk prawns

the best out of all dishes: curry chicken!


By the way, as long as you ordered any dish, you can top up 60cents for either chendol (yummy!) or grass jelly.

The total bill is around $46. I think the curry chicken was delicious and we were given the best parts of the chicken: thigh and drumstick.

That's not all! Joan passed me a belated birthday gift which I totally love it!

Guess what it is...

It's a musical jewelery box! Super cute! Now I can hang my necklaces and arranged my earrings neatly! Thanks Joan! Had a great chat with you as well!

By the way, I bought two new CDS yesterday which will tide me through my boring workdays...

Friday, February 18, 2011


SAN MAN Lucas: EH, you better put coupon ah, I can give you SAN MAN lei!


Pedi with sis...

Just to let you know that my blog is still alive! The past week has been a mad rush for me. There were assignments to complete and I'm just glad that it's all over now. My next phase is teach for another 10 grueling week. Or maybe I should think positive that I don't have to travel to Boon Lay for the time being because the school is so near my house! Yes!!!!! Lol! 

Anyway, today I went with Sis to Vivo to try out the so-called "very relaxing" pedicure she always raved about and here are some pics taken...

My first time choosing such a metallic purple colour but I like it as my toe nails are so squarish and cute! hahahaha.. 

 Shall finish my CNY post soon! Sleeptime!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

恭喜发财!兔年旺旺!大年初二 (CNY Day 2)

Alert! There's gonna be tons of pictures in this post!

Happy reading! :)

Ok, so Day 2 is usually spent on visiting my grandaunt (my grandma's sister) at the old folks home, granduncle (my grandpa's younger bro) and my grandaunt (grandpa's sister). To be short, we will just go to those seniors' houses to bai nian.

Btw, this is my favourite day of CNY because we get to travel to many places in one day. In the past, my 1st uncle(whose a bus driver) would even get a bus and the whole group of relatives will just go visiting by bus! Pretty cool! It's just like an excursion trip!

We started the day early as usual as we had a full day ahead.

 I'm going safari-themed that day! Actually not really as tiger lives in jungle! LOL
oh and this is my DIY nails for CNY! I cheated using stickers! But it's matching right?

 3rd uncle came to fetch us first and then my cousins and aunt.

we are cutie pies lol!

taken at the old folks home...

 Love this pic but my 2nd uncle photobombed us!

 this pic is taken with my bro's film camera...
my favourite pic of the day!
He's very unfair and mean! Always take nice pics for my cousins but hardly see him taking pic of me! I begged him yet he refused!

Group female pic...

Group pic taken with my grandaunt

And that's with us shouting Huat arh! I know my family is cheena...LOL

Absolutely love this pic of the three of us!

Then, I saw this big patch of grass and the day was sunny enough to take a good jump shot. So I got my cousins to try jumping for me... The pics are pretty hilarious!

Attempt 1

Attempt 2
Look at how enjoyed they were!

Attempt 3
Still too slow...

Attempt 4
Now too fast...

And finally after many failed attempts, one good shot! 
But they were heading in all directions! LOL

Then it was time to move on to the next location - my granduncle's house at Bukit Panjang.

 Well, his house is beautifully decorated with lots of wallpaper.

my granduncle and grandaunt in the middle of the pic

taking pic with the Victorian style lamp

happily applying her lip gloss after my sis applied some black eyeshadow on her...

Next, last stop of the day - grandaunt's house.

My grandaunt lives at Meyer Rd and her living room is pretty big but stuffy cos they refused to switch on the aircon!

My cousins playing blackjack at one corner.. I joined them later and won $15!

Cousin James with my 4th uncle

Lydias with the koi pond

so sweet!

Stay tuned for Day 3! Even more pics!