Well, since I am having my recess break, I must write something fun or interesting which I have done and not just assignment, assignments and more assignments (though I just finished one! yay!).
Pyjamas and present shopping
So recently, I bought two pyjamas (those dresses kind from younghearts) and I mind you, they are expensive man! One for $39.90 or above. You want to spend that amount on clothes, shoes or pyjamas? Pyjamas will never be your answer I know! Anyway, as influenced by my mum (she bought a total of 7 batik pyjamas for CNY) and Aunt Angela and maybe my ah ma too (since mum used to buy new pyjamas for ah ma every year when she was still around), I grow to like the details of a good pyjamas or sleeping gown.
They are something which we wear to sleep everyday so of course, they have to be comfy too. You just can't compromise the quality of pyjamas just because of its price. Furthermore, I sleeped in a non air-con room, so can you imagine how hot it will be it will be if I wear a thick and hard one to sleep.
So here comes younghearts, the brand that sells sweet little girls' pyjamas (yea, that's me). I have a total of 3 now. And I'll show you one by one.
And so, I went with mum to Metro at Compasspoint to shop for pyjamas (on behalf of aunt) and presents for Sis's birthday. Since, this year, Sis is carrying "extra baggage", she gotten herself "extra present" too! Wow, what a good deal. This year, I also carry extra baggage in the form of fats. Hope my birthday will be special this year too. hahaha

Can't show you what I wrote!
Making of Fruit Tarts
Remember I told you that I went to Des's house to learn making tarts? We made so much casings that even till now, there are still somemore left. So in order not to waste them, I decided to make the custard and fill them in. No pictures will be shown on this as I figure it out you all must be sick of them. haha
However, I realised something about me. Or rather should I say, I confirmed something about me! I AM NOT ARTISTIC AT ALL! I think i'm more intellectual than creative. Why? Because while I was making the tarts, I realised I can grasp the concept quite well. But when it comes to the decorations of the tarts, I I I I I STOPPPEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!
My brain just stopped. I tried to be creative but I can't. Seems like simplistic is the only design I can do. That explains why I always fail my arts! So sad yet so true! In the end, mum had to help me! sian.
Soya bean milk
Oh and the past few days, I have been taking alot of soya products (beancurd, soyabean milk). Almost everyday! I read on the paper before that soya is not good for guys because there are some component which can kill sperms. So there used to be a period where I saw Bro keep buying soya bean milk from market (cos mum is the one paying so he kept buying, not his money what), then I told him about that news. After that, he stopped buying. Afterall, he still wants to be a father. awwwww
So, I wonder if there are any health benefits for women? I went to google and I found this

LOMO function on my iPhone camera
I downloaded a new app for my iPhone. Recently, a lot of people are into LOMOGRAPHIC. Google if you don't understand. I realised my iPhone can also have this function and the pictures taken is so artistic and can be compared with a real lomo camera. Some pictures to prove...
A hectic day at work
A lazy day at home!
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