Anyway, as you may have known, JACK NEO HAS AN AFFAIR!
I forgoed my 2-hour break to blog about this because I really can't stop laughing about this stupid piece of news! Initially, I was very shocked. Jack Neo, the family man, the funny comedian, and most importantly, the No 2 Jackie Chan, always seem so serious when they interviewed him on the topic of family. I remembered 8Days magazine used to interview when his fourth child is born and he said so many things about how he wanted a big family and wanted to give them the best of everything. SEE! It's all a lie!
Apparently, reports said that he was already "wild flowers disturb wild grass" at that time lor! Yuck. Serve him right! And that mistress ah is not any better! She thinks she is really pretty and so on, maybe Jack Neo has really bad myopia so he can't tell that she is cock-eyed plus ugly! Model? Bad role model that is!
If it's not Jack Neo, do you think she will give a damn? Come on la, who do you think you are, call reporters to complain and want a showdown! I think she is dumb enough to not realise that in such scenario, it's usually the wife that does the complaining! Still want to act like very poor thing! People don't need to know about when or where you guys have sex. Because all we can picture Jack Neo is this:

AH PO and UGLY (it rhymes!) cannot have sex! It's wrong!
A riddle of the day: Guess what Jack Neo must be saying right now?

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