First up: Michelle

- Wah, very hard to get a proper profile pic of you without jj beside you!
- She asked for bangs and I assume that she still wants to keep her long hair.
- Oh, and she did mention if she should get curls
- So let's see:
Next: KangTing

- KT asked for curls
- So i chose both long and medium length curls for her
#2 Not bad!
#3 Sweet! And cute!
CONCLUSION: Hmm, I think #2 looks good with her long curls, I like #3 but don't think A will like it lor! Later he finds you too sweet. Hair extension and curls may work!
Last: Shuhui

- Shoulder length hair
- Dunno what she prefers so i tried out all types for her.
- Decided on these two.
#1 Stylish but i know you wun like
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