Today I write with anger, sadness, and frustration.
I know I am not the best girlfriend but I know what I want and what will totally put me off. I tried very hard to restrain myself from feeling that way. I make it clear as I do not want any unhappiness. But why don't my voice be heard? Why do I have to be placed in the same situations time and time again where I have to put on a fake smile and shut my mouth, reassuring you that I like it but deep down I know I don't? Is "ok" the only the only thing you can say?
I felt very unhappy, and my chest hurts. What's the purpose of it all?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
So addictive!
This is the thing that I am crazy with lately: Campbell Corn with Mushroom Soup!
Well, I am not a fan of cream soup to begin with... I still prefer the normal Chinese boiled soup BUT I am definitely a fan of SOUP! My best record? I can drink one full big bowl of soup after having a full meal. More soup for supper, and leftover for the next day's morning!
But this Campbell soup, though nothing special, still makes me crazy! Cos, being the smart girl I am, decided to add potato cubes to it!
Instead of cooking a can which can get salty and too strong the taste, I always use half a can and add more water. Now, you must be wondering, "So little, sure very tasteless one!" You are absolutely wrong! There's one thing called "SEASON TO TASTE". The starch from the potato will thicken the soup for me and I just have to add a bit of salt and pepper and VOILA!
Now, always remember the can is actually the concentrated form of the soup so do not add too little water! Later drink too much hair will drop!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I worked so hard! I am so tired! Insufficient sleep, loaded burden, anger, frustration and everything... where is the last time I went shopping for clothes? Ok, let's not talk about shoes but I want to go back to the carefree life of a med tech where I stressed during work but shopped like crazy after work... Nevermind, I tarhan and save... cos when holiday comes, this shall be my possession!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Yeah! Universal studios!
Universal studios has opened! And this means that I have one more place to go during my Holi! I have a list of places that I want to go- prawning, escape theme park, wildwildwet, and universal studios!
But honestly, isn't $66 too ex for locals? Maybe they should give us locals a special discount or subsidy. After all, it's the tourists' money that they're after.
Nonetheless, I can't wait to try the rides!
But honestly, isn't $66 too ex for locals? Maybe they should give us locals a special discount or subsidy. After all, it's the tourists' money that they're after.
Nonetheless, I can't wait to try the rides!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
For the gals
Because of overwhelming requests from my gfs, i decided to help them makeover too! Wahahaha..
CONCLUSION: Not bad la but Michelle, I still think you look better with your long fringe and don't perm your hair! 

CONCLUSION: WAH, i think hairstyle #2 still suits you lei, change the colour!
First up: Michelle

- Wah, very hard to get a proper profile pic of you without jj beside you!
- She asked for bangs and I assume that she still wants to keep her long hair.
- Oh, and she did mention if she should get curls
- So let's see:
Next: KangTing

- KT asked for curls
- So i chose both long and medium length curls for her
#2 Not bad!
#3 Sweet! And cute!
CONCLUSION: Hmm, I think #2 looks good with her long curls, I like #3 but don't think A will like it lor! Later he finds you too sweet. Hair extension and curls may work!
Last: Shuhui

- Shoulder length hair
- Dunno what she prefers so i tried out all types for her.
- Decided on these two.
#1 Stylish but i know you wun like
Do I look like my mum?
It's blogging time again! I decided to make Wednesday my official mobile blogging day as I could make use of the boring 1.5 hr journey home to blog a new post. Anyway, my Sis introduced me to this hair makeover app on iTunes and I was having a hell of a time playing with the different hairstyles and laughing so hard at each of the final results!
Let me show you some...
In long hairs:
I think so you know. Though I kind of like the last look cos I feel so 80s. But I cant foresee me growing old and looking like my mum! That would be soooo funny! Hope you enjoy the post!
Let me show you some...
In long hairs:
#1 Long curls
#2 "goldilocks" wannabe waves
Friday, March 12, 2010
Telephone by Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce
I dunno what to say about this video, simply "W.O.W. !!!" Glamour, star-struck, shock made me so confused or bedazzled. Enjoy and happy weekends!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Love my lomo app!
I'm so sick of Jack Neo's saga. Guys like him, who said they just made a very normal "mistake", seem to be oblivious to the fact that they always end up making multiple mistakes. Enough said, I think the newspaper should stop dedicating such a big page of the entertainment section to him man. I want to know about other celebrity as well!
Good news for iPhone users! If you are yearning for a camera that can take artistic pictures, well, you don;t even have to buy one! Just download this particular app on your iPhone and you can starting taking pictures with lomo feel. I am not going to share what app it is. Go search it yourself, haha!
Some pictures taken lately...
I named this picture: "Poppy and her soulmate, longing for a better tomorrow"
My fav picture!
I think i look like my bro in this picture!
I know very vain la.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Yesterday was the worst day of my year so far. If you follow my blog closely, you would have known how much I hated working with group members who are inconsiderate and unreachable. After all, it's a group project and we are supposed to discuss right? I have worked with lazy people, people who chao keng but when you finished the work for them, they will slowly become very active. But this year, I mist admit that I meet one of the laziest, most CHAO KENG groupmate ever!!! One who never reply people's message, always late and like to promise stuff then then keep saying sorry when they screw up!
Well, the story started with me having to work with these two girls in my maths class for a simple group task. And suay enough, I have gotten the two that I was praying not to work with. Why? Because they are always late for class. And when I mean late, it's half hour late! Very inconsiderate and impolite right? Furthermore, one of them used to be my community work member. And she was always late for meetings, absent or better still super slow. My tutor wanted mr to collect all the reflections from my group and she turned out to be the last one to send, two weeks late! It's not like she had not done it and so she's rushing but because she lost her file so she's lazy to send me a new one. Best part? She did not inform me and totally ignored my messages!
Irony is, she is now in the same group as me for Maths class and you can imagine how embarrassed she is when she saw me. She said "sorry" thrice that day. So, the first meeting proceeded quite well. We came up with ideas for the third part of our assignment and we can say almost 50% is completed since part one and two can be found on Internet or books. The M girl, let's call her MissyS, suddenly changed you know! During the meeting, she offered to note down our discussion and being so active. At the end of meeting, the other girl MissyJ suggested that we split the work. So, I was told to do part one and she will do part two, while MissyS will type out what we discussed and send to us. That happened at the start of february and we have not received the soft copy!
Well, MissyJ was nice enough to allocate the work and SMS me to update about the details though I knew she have not done her work. At least I know she is keeping contact with me so we can always arrange for another meeting. What about MissyS? The assignment is due next Friday and while MissyJ is trying hardto contact the two of us to arrange for meeting, MissyS refused to reply. Furthermore, based on my conversation with MissyJ, she told me that she can't reach her. Smart ass did not indicate when she's free to meet too! I assume when MissyJ asked her when she free and asked for a date, she only replied saying "oh, I can't" instead of "I can't, but I'm free on ..." Totally smart!
Anyway, today we are supposed to meet and yesterday 9pm, MissyJ sent me an apologetic SMS saying that MissyS is not free and so she will meet me first to discuss. After which she will meet MissyS then. Not bad right? At least we worked out something. Then, I received a super sudden SMS from our dear MissyS asking mr to confirm with her what each of us doing. Oh, wasn't it written in the paper that is with her? Apparently she didn't care. See what she wrote in her SMS:
Hi sally, MissyS here. Just to check, for DCM,the teaching ideas part,which part are you doing? If i rmmbr correctly,mine is the intro powerpoint and jo is the number cards right? Btw has MissyJ told you,tmrw im meeting her at 10.30 then u can meet her and continue at 11.30?i got class but will join after.
Wow! Bravo isn't it? If she remembered clearly, she's only doing the intro for the ppt! If I remembered clearly, I just have to write my name on the ppt and that's it! If I remembered correctly, I already feel like slapping you last time but I forgot. But now I remembered, can I slap you now? Damn it! I'm super pissed.
Like I say, if you want to do it together with others, I'm fine. Just don't bullshit and all. It's already very late and why can't we just quickly finish it up? Luckily, I finished two parts already during my recess break. How fair! I sent MissyS a SMS, indicating how pissed I am! Do you know she said she will add me on msn before recess break so we can discuss online but she didn't. Why can't people stick to their promises? Is it so fun to make promises then said sorry afterward? I think she's used to it which is why sorry loses it's meaning to her. Well, obviously she is trying to cheat her way pass the course. MOE pays good money huh!
I feel so much better now! Just like today's rain, I can't carry the load anymore and I need to let it go! And I did. Now, they just have to finish the rest all by themselves!
God, pls give me better groupmates next time!
Well, the story started with me having to work with these two girls in my maths class for a simple group task. And suay enough, I have gotten the two that I was praying not to work with. Why? Because they are always late for class. And when I mean late, it's half hour late! Very inconsiderate and impolite right? Furthermore, one of them used to be my community work member. And she was always late for meetings, absent or better still super slow. My tutor wanted mr to collect all the reflections from my group and she turned out to be the last one to send, two weeks late! It's not like she had not done it and so she's rushing but because she lost her file so she's lazy to send me a new one. Best part? She did not inform me and totally ignored my messages!
Irony is, she is now in the same group as me for Maths class and you can imagine how embarrassed she is when she saw me. She said "sorry" thrice that day. So, the first meeting proceeded quite well. We came up with ideas for the third part of our assignment and we can say almost 50% is completed since part one and two can be found on Internet or books. The M girl, let's call her MissyS, suddenly changed you know! During the meeting, she offered to note down our discussion and being so active. At the end of meeting, the other girl MissyJ suggested that we split the work. So, I was told to do part one and she will do part two, while MissyS will type out what we discussed and send to us. That happened at the start of february and we have not received the soft copy!
Well, MissyJ was nice enough to allocate the work and SMS me to update about the details though I knew she have not done her work. At least I know she is keeping contact with me so we can always arrange for another meeting. What about MissyS? The assignment is due next Friday and while MissyJ is trying hardto contact the two of us to arrange for meeting, MissyS refused to reply. Furthermore, based on my conversation with MissyJ, she told me that she can't reach her. Smart ass did not indicate when she's free to meet too! I assume when MissyJ asked her when she free and asked for a date, she only replied saying "oh, I can't" instead of "I can't, but I'm free on ..." Totally smart!
Anyway, today we are supposed to meet and yesterday 9pm, MissyJ sent me an apologetic SMS saying that MissyS is not free and so she will meet me first to discuss. After which she will meet MissyS then. Not bad right? At least we worked out something. Then, I received a super sudden SMS from our dear MissyS asking mr to confirm with her what each of us doing. Oh, wasn't it written in the paper that is with her? Apparently she didn't care. See what she wrote in her SMS:
Hi sally, MissyS here. Just to check, for DCM,the teaching ideas part,which part are you doing? If i rmmbr correctly,mine is the intro powerpoint and jo is the number cards right? Btw has MissyJ told you,tmrw im meeting her at 10.30 then u can meet her and continue at 11.30?i got class but will join after.
Wow! Bravo isn't it? If she remembered clearly, she's only doing the intro for the ppt! If I remembered clearly, I just have to write my name on the ppt and that's it! If I remembered correctly, I already feel like slapping you last time but I forgot. But now I remembered, can I slap you now? Damn it! I'm super pissed.
Like I say, if you want to do it together with others, I'm fine. Just don't bullshit and all. It's already very late and why can't we just quickly finish it up? Luckily, I finished two parts already during my recess break. How fair! I sent MissyS a SMS, indicating how pissed I am! Do you know she said she will add me on msn before recess break so we can discuss online but she didn't. Why can't people stick to their promises? Is it so fun to make promises then said sorry afterward? I think she's used to it which is why sorry loses it's meaning to her. Well, obviously she is trying to cheat her way pass the course. MOE pays good money huh!
I feel so much better now! Just like today's rain, I can't carry the load anymore and I need to let it go! And I did. Now, they just have to finish the rest all by themselves!
God, pls give me better groupmates next time!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Hey, I reached my 200th posts! Woohoo, blogging has been so fun and I will never stop.
Anyway, as you may have known, JACK NEO HAS AN AFFAIR!
I forgoed my 2-hour break to blog about this because I really can't stop laughing about this stupid piece of news! Initially, I was very shocked. Jack Neo, the family man, the funny comedian, and most importantly, the No 2 Jackie Chan, always seem so serious when they interviewed him on the topic of family. I remembered 8Days magazine used to interview when his fourth child is born and he said so many things about how he wanted a big family and wanted to give them the best of everything. SEE! It's all a lie!
Apparently, reports said that he was already "wild flowers disturb wild grass" at that time lor! Yuck. Serve him right! And that mistress ah is not any better! She thinks she is really pretty and so on, maybe Jack Neo has really bad myopia so he can't tell that she is cock-eyed plus ugly! Model? Bad role model that is!
If it's not Jack Neo, do you think she will give a damn? Come on la, who do you think you are, call reporters to complain and want a showdown! I think she is dumb enough to not realise that in such scenario, it's usually the wife that does the complaining! Still want to act like very poor thing! People don't need to know about when or where you guys have sex. Because all we can picture Jack Neo is this:

Anyway, as you may have known, JACK NEO HAS AN AFFAIR!
I forgoed my 2-hour break to blog about this because I really can't stop laughing about this stupid piece of news! Initially, I was very shocked. Jack Neo, the family man, the funny comedian, and most importantly, the No 2 Jackie Chan, always seem so serious when they interviewed him on the topic of family. I remembered 8Days magazine used to interview when his fourth child is born and he said so many things about how he wanted a big family and wanted to give them the best of everything. SEE! It's all a lie!
Apparently, reports said that he was already "wild flowers disturb wild grass" at that time lor! Yuck. Serve him right! And that mistress ah is not any better! She thinks she is really pretty and so on, maybe Jack Neo has really bad myopia so he can't tell that she is cock-eyed plus ugly! Model? Bad role model that is!
If it's not Jack Neo, do you think she will give a damn? Come on la, who do you think you are, call reporters to complain and want a showdown! I think she is dumb enough to not realise that in such scenario, it's usually the wife that does the complaining! Still want to act like very poor thing! People don't need to know about when or where you guys have sex. Because all we can picture Jack Neo is this:

AH PO and UGLY (it rhymes!) cannot have sex! It's wrong!
A riddle of the day: Guess what Jack Neo must be saying right now?

Friday, March 5, 2010
What I did during my recess break (part 2)
I am so dead! It's already Friday and I only managed to complete all those miscellaneous homework! What about my most important lesson plans??????
Haiz, and I did not exercise again! One week ago, I promised myself that I am going to wake up early everyday for morning walk but guess what, I slept through my alarm! Mum, being the most helpful, refused to wake me up. It just means that I can't shed those extra pounds.
Nonetheless, I will be meeting the girls today and tomorrow! Can't wait, I have so much to tell you! Now, I am really going to do some work to ease my guilt. Jia You!!!
Haiz, and I did not exercise again! One week ago, I promised myself that I am going to wake up early everyday for morning walk but guess what, I slept through my alarm! Mum, being the most helpful, refused to wake me up. It just means that I can't shed those extra pounds.
Nonetheless, I will be meeting the girls today and tomorrow! Can't wait, I have so much to tell you! Now, I am really going to do some work to ease my guilt. Jia You!!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
What I did during my recess break (Part 1)
Lame lame lame you will say about the title of the post... haha
Well, since I am having my recess break, I must write something fun or interesting which I have done and not just assignment, assignments and more assignments (though I just finished one! yay!).
Pyjamas and present shopping
So recently, I bought two pyjamas (those dresses kind from younghearts) and I mind you, they are expensive man! One for $39.90 or above. You want to spend that amount on clothes, shoes or pyjamas? Pyjamas will never be your answer I know! Anyway, as influenced by my mum (she bought a total of 7 batik pyjamas for CNY) and Aunt Angela and maybe my ah ma too (since mum used to buy new pyjamas for ah ma every year when she was still around), I grow to like the details of a good pyjamas or sleeping gown.
They are something which we wear to sleep everyday so of course, they have to be comfy too. You just can't compromise the quality of pyjamas just because of its price. Furthermore, I sleeped in a non air-con room, so can you imagine how hot it will be it will be if I wear a thick and hard one to sleep.
So here comes younghearts, the brand that sells sweet little girls' pyjamas (yea, that's me). I have a total of 3 now. And I'll show you one by one.
My favourite! I like how they use such clothes with beautiful patterns to make the pyjamas.
There's lace and ribbons on the buttons. Simple details make it so pretty. Can you spot the ferris wheel, balloons, teacups?
This is the CNY's limited edition and quite expensive due to its embroidery.
The ribbon at the side of the dress with embroidery of little tiger, cow and rabbit I think.
This is the old one. First one given by mum. I like the sleeve and the flare of the dress. Very cute.
In conclusion, soya bean has so much benefits. I wonder if it has another benefit of cow milk, will it make my ***** big too?

Well, since I am having my recess break, I must write something fun or interesting which I have done and not just assignment, assignments and more assignments (though I just finished one! yay!).
Pyjamas and present shopping
So recently, I bought two pyjamas (those dresses kind from younghearts) and I mind you, they are expensive man! One for $39.90 or above. You want to spend that amount on clothes, shoes or pyjamas? Pyjamas will never be your answer I know! Anyway, as influenced by my mum (she bought a total of 7 batik pyjamas for CNY) and Aunt Angela and maybe my ah ma too (since mum used to buy new pyjamas for ah ma every year when she was still around), I grow to like the details of a good pyjamas or sleeping gown.
They are something which we wear to sleep everyday so of course, they have to be comfy too. You just can't compromise the quality of pyjamas just because of its price. Furthermore, I sleeped in a non air-con room, so can you imagine how hot it will be it will be if I wear a thick and hard one to sleep.
So here comes younghearts, the brand that sells sweet little girls' pyjamas (yea, that's me). I have a total of 3 now. And I'll show you one by one.
And so, I went with mum to Metro at Compasspoint to shop for pyjamas (on behalf of aunt) and presents for Sis's birthday. Since, this year, Sis is carrying "extra baggage", she gotten herself "extra present" too! Wow, what a good deal. This year, I also carry extra baggage in the form of fats. Hope my birthday will be special this year too. hahaha

Can't show you what I wrote!
Making of Fruit Tarts
Remember I told you that I went to Des's house to learn making tarts? We made so much casings that even till now, there are still somemore left. So in order not to waste them, I decided to make the custard and fill them in. No pictures will be shown on this as I figure it out you all must be sick of them. haha
However, I realised something about me. Or rather should I say, I confirmed something about me! I AM NOT ARTISTIC AT ALL! I think i'm more intellectual than creative. Why? Because while I was making the tarts, I realised I can grasp the concept quite well. But when it comes to the decorations of the tarts, I I I I I STOPPPEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!
My brain just stopped. I tried to be creative but I can't. Seems like simplistic is the only design I can do. That explains why I always fail my arts! So sad yet so true! In the end, mum had to help me! sian.
Soya bean milk
Oh and the past few days, I have been taking alot of soya products (beancurd, soyabean milk). Almost everyday! I read on the paper before that soya is not good for guys because there are some component which can kill sperms. So there used to be a period where I saw Bro keep buying soya bean milk from market (cos mum is the one paying so he kept buying, not his money what), then I told him about that news. After that, he stopped buying. Afterall, he still wants to be a father. awwwww
So, I wonder if there are any health benefits for women? I went to google and I found this

LOMO function on my iPhone camera
I downloaded a new app for my iPhone. Recently, a lot of people are into LOMOGRAPHIC. Google if you don't understand. I realised my iPhone can also have this function and the pictures taken is so artistic and can be compared with a real lomo camera. Some pictures to prove...
A hectic day at work
A lazy day at home!
Monday, March 1, 2010
My Prawn Mee cooking session
This is the first time I cooked everything by myself. But first I must admit that this is not the real "prawn mee". It is a modified version with lots of different ingredients. And I chopped the whole chicken by myself! Smart right? And the verdict from many is it is simply delicious!
Some pics to share:
Some pics to share:
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