Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Colleagues: the coolest bunch of ppl!

If you have been following my twitter, you would have known by now that my practicum had not been a pleasant and smooth one. There had been time when I felt wronged and so stressed out that I wondered if I will ever go crazy! Ok, maybe not that serious, but it will definitely helped if I have someone who is going through the same thing as me to talk to and share my woes. Guess what! God is good to me as instead of one friend, I have six fun and very nice colleagues!

So, let me introduce you to the future principals or leaders of the teaching industry! Lol!

From left: Luan Yin (the CL teacher who always walk home with me), Me (pardon the tired look as I woke up at 4am in the morning to complete my marking), Yi Jie (full-time CL teacher), LeeLing (the contract CL teacher), Hui Ren  (gorgeous EL teacher who is also my neighbour in the staffroom) and Jimmy (the funny "always hungry" EL teacher)

As I have said, I'm really fortunate to have befriended them! And I look forward to returning to school after the June holidays!
Since we are on this topic, I received a mug from this pupil on the second last day of school. Can I say how touched I am. I mean I really do not expect something from this pupil because I remember how lazy and sloppy she used to be on the first few weeks of school and I was constantly scolding her for that.
Then, one day, I realised she has a side of her that I have not noticed yet and that she can be very creative.
I gave the class a science project on creating a fruit that can be dispersed by any dispersal method that they learnt and they must describe the features of their fruit. So as I was marking my pupils' works, I came upon the girl's drawing. Unlike other pupils who drew generic fruits like papaya and mango which are not creative at all, she decided to draw me a tree that is called 'the stary tree'. She described vividly the unique features of the fruit and how they helped the fruit to be dispersed! It was so interesting and from then on, I began to take notice of her.
I do not intend to show the pic of the mug. It is just like any other teacher's day mug where there is a thank you speech printed on one side of the mug. But, I was really happy that she loved my lessons and appreciated me.

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