I am planning on a travel trip... to somewhere fun, relaxing.. actualli hor, as long it is not in singapore, it will do one. cos once u are out of spore, anywhere is new to u n u will definitely enjoy it. rite now i got 3 countries where i realli feel like going
1. Taiwan
2. Thailand
3. Langawi (Malaysia) (go see xiaxue's blog)
So i am planning and i hope i can go to any one by this year. Apparently, my sis is going to sydney this may for work and she wants my mum and i to join her.. which means i have to go on a free and easy trip with my mum while my sis is working. of cos, the ticket is ex but aft minusing the accomodation, it is worth a trip (cos we can share room with her). But the main prob is I haven managed to get my leave approved yet. u guys shld noe how much i wanted to go on a holiday aft graduation... haiz.. so hopefully this monday when i go back i hope mr wong will approved my leave!
I want go to this 

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