Have you guys followed the news recently? The latest news is about an incest case which happens in Austria where a 73 years old father locked her own daughter in a cellar for 24 yrs, during which she was forced to have 7 children with her!
Very shocking rite? How can that happen? And did u know that 2 yrs ago, Austria was also famous for a case where a girl was held captive by a neighbour in his cellar for 8 yrs till she finally escaped when she was 18yrs old. Go google it...
This is realli shocking to me, especially for this case, because there are many loopholes and questions raised when i read the news and i wonder how is it possible for the daughter (name is Elizabeth and currently 42 yrs old) to be held captive by the father (name Fitzl) in a secret cellar while the whole family (the father, mother Rosemarie and siblings of Elizabeth and 3 children of Elizabeth who were brought out of the cellar to be adopted by Fitzl and Rosemarie) lived just above teh cellar and yet to be unaware of it. Scary!
Luckily i lived in hdb flat man.
I truly think the father is saddistic. Want to read more bout the case, go to http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30200-1314334,00.html?f=rss
There is video and the whole story. and picture of how the secret dungeon looked like. You know this case rite actualli turned Austria upside down, everyone was shocked. It is so sad cos Elizabeth was held captive at 18yrs old, and the father had sex with her, which caused her to give birth to 7 children, one died immediately after birth. Then dunno how the father actually kept them all inside the cellar la, which is like one storey of the house but the ceilings is not v high (170m only) where there were NO windows. Finally, he think he is smart so he brought out 3 of the children and with the help of Elizabeth's letters, leaved them outside the door, convincing his own wife into thinking that their daughter, which is Elizabeth had joined a sect and dun wan her children anymore. So the old couple adopted the children.
What is even more saddistic? I can't believe that the remaining 3 children who were left with Elizabeth in the cellar, had nv seen natural daylight be4! The 2 oldest children were 19 and 18 yrs old and this means that for 19 or 18 yrs, they do not noe anything bout the outside world!
My questions and everyone's questions, are the old man crazy? Psychiatrists think that the old man feels that his own genes are very good (look at the old man pic which looked like a scientist) and so he wants to breed even better children who had all his genes. By doing so, he had to have sex with his own children. Psycho!
Then he must be dominating! Cos how can the daughter be kept for so long yet nv tried to escape? Mayb she cant i dunno, cos rite now she undergoing treatment so no interviews or questioning with her yet.
Next, the old wife and his other children (siblings of Elizabeth). They nv suspect anything? Like their daughter/sister's disapperance? Like what happen to the cellar? i cannot imagine man... How close-knitted the family are (in sarcasm).
INCEST INCEST INCEST and tons of PYSCHO. See, the world is so crazy.. Such things can also happen. Firstly the siblings and mother of Elizabeth must idiots! Last time the other case where a little gal dissappeared since 11 yrs old rite (i mentioned earlier), the parents worked with the police just to find out where she was. For thiis one, we can tell the family are retards! Plus the old man (who has plucked eyebrows) must be damn convincing, like conman.
So sadistic la! I dun wan to read about it le!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Hey guys, yo yo yo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What day is tmr? Shout out ur answer?!!! It's a BIG day!
Why lei? Cos everyone is going to celebrate on the last day of April.
Reasons to celebrate:
1) I am getting my PAY!!! HUat ah! can spend hahaha, no need to owe ppl money le. Plus hor, mayb singtel noe it is my payday tmr, i received my bill today! hahahahaha, first one to get money from me.. Smart company!
2) Everyone above 21yrs is getting their govt BONUS!!!!! Why i dun have, so unfair.. I working too!
3) It's the last day of the semester exam for ppl from NTU! HAppy leh!
To share, today rite, i went to meet my sis and mum after i am done with my stuff. Cos i claim timeoff so i get to go off by 4pm. I met them for dinner and while shopping, they decided to look at shoes. So i followed them lor. As u noe, I LURVE SHOESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... Cos i have realli broad feet so i cant fit into any shoes i want, like kitten heels ah, CONFIRM cannot wear. I bought 3 kitten heels to wear before and everytime i came back with blisters at the side of the legs (the broadest part where there is a round bone) and my feet will swollen cos bone inflammed lor. Very scary rite. So I can only wear certain type of shoes. BUt prob with me is once i see smth I like and i can wear them, i wil buy.
So today I told myself to be firm. Dun buy means dun buy..
Guess what?
Yes, i still cannot tahan! Ok lah, not cannot tahan. Actualli i dun wan to buy one, but my mum n sis say there are realli nice n worth it so they think i shld go ahead. So i bought it, 1stly, i realli think they look nice, 2ndly, to pamper myself for surviving the unbearable 1 and a half month! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what i bought...

Yes it's silver! n some of u will say very mature lor, but i tell u must wear le den can give comment.
It gives u that bling bling kind of feel. Tmr i wear to work!!
oh btw, i have planned a surprise for my mum.. cos i owe her a bdae present and mother's day coming rite, so together i am going to give her a big present!
I will blog in the next entry..
HAppy working! And hello May!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Be content
I seriously think i am very fortunate. Very. And I am content with my life so far, though of cos, i feel that i could have done better and deserve more stuff for the effort i have put into my life, my family's and my friends' lives. You should noe what i mean.
Last time when my father passed away, i knew my mum was not dealing it well. Though she put on a good front, but she would just throw her temper whenever little things happened. Dealing with a situation where she had to continue to bring up 3 children (ok maybe only left me who just started my secondary education, while my other two siblings were already grown up), plus the stress coming from my relatives who expect her to work after being a housewife for 15 years at that period, and some ppl eyeing on the money left behind by my father's insurance, she was considered a wonder mum le.
That should be the hardest period of my teenage life, trying to be guai and tame so that i won't caused so much worry to my family. Yet i realised that whatever small mistakes i made, my mum and sis will get realli angry with me and my mum would scold me using all kinds of words u have nv heard b4.
I was sad, crying all the time, plus dealing witha fren in my class who did treat me like dirt or some disease, WENDY LEE (i still rmb how u threw my book on the floor), i feel that life was meaningless and i even tot of suicide. I was in the living room, while my mum n sis were in the bedroom, I could have easily open the door and jumped of within 5 min, yet i didn't. Cos i knew how irresponsible that would be. Cos I promised my father too much. For the most basic thing i promised my father would be to take care of my mum, plus after seeing the din created at my father's funeral, the more i thought to myself, no matter how mother scold me, I mustn't do anymore thing to make her even angry. i should be there to protect her. Just keep quiet and everything wil be ok, i thought.
Even till now, whenevver we had small or big quarrels, should it be my fault or their faults, i always keep quiet. Accomodation u might say. Always give in, no good u might agree. But the fact is, I did all these not because i am a coward, a mummy's gal who wants to please them. No, but i did all these cos i knew how much i owe them. Last time, ppl tell my bro and I about my mother's and my sister's bad stuff like how lazy they were (for my mother did not work and my sis took a long period to finally find a job that suited her), I have been very polite to smile off it and sometimes fight back, while my bro might actualli keep quiet. But please, nv criticise about the mother to the daughter, cos eventualli, she is their mother, the one who brought her up.
Ok, u might ask me, what has all this thing got to do with being fortunate. Seriously, don't u think i am already very fortunate, having mother who managed to continue her life within such a short period of time after her husband died, somemore with my father leaving behind not much money, yet bringing me up, letting me study, eat and wear what i want.
I may not have branded stuff in my secondary school, i may not have a father to see me thru graduation but i have a good mother and good siblings who buy me stuff that i will nv ask for for my birthday (expensive stuff), who bring me out for good food and giving me advice to prepare me for the working society..
I have so many things, that others with the same situation as me, might not have. Don't u think i am very fortunate and i should be content.
My last blog entry i mentioned abt having no money to survive thru this month before i got my pay rite? Guess what, yesterday my bro and my sis each gave me another $50 to tide me thru the week. Plus, the thing is i have nv mentioned it to them that i need money. I just kept quiet, planning to eat cheap for that last 3 days of the month. I was so touched. By rite, this month i wun get any more allowance from them.
I am so lucky i tell u.
back to the topic of "deserve more stuff for the effort i have put into my life, my family's and my friends' lives", I have been very nice and accomodating, My mum pissed me off, i angry la, but aft a while, i go say sorry to my mum, not cos i was the one at fault, but becos i done wrong for shouting at her. No respect! No manners! CW was telling me how pissed he was when he had a fight with his bro. Though he was angry, he still cannot resist to give his bro money cos that's his bro. Same as what i was trying to say. So, to all those ppl who wan to badmouth abt my family, don't do it in front of me, cos they will only get urself into trouble. I diam diam not i scare, but i being polite to ignore, the next time they try it again, i make sure they have no dignity. i been thru the most difficult time of my life n who's theer for me, i knew it tooo clearly.
Speaking of the effort i have put into my friends' lives, I have been realli very accomodating. My frens, don't be angry when u read this, and PLEASE DON"T BRING UP THIS TOPIC AGAIN WHEN U MEET ME NEXT TIME, i am just trying to voice out my views for all these years. (PLUS THIS MAY NOT MEAN U ARE THE ONE) By right hor, given my pattern last time rite, my frens angry with me, un fren me, i cry... and beg... that was in pri and sec sch, where i was craving for friendship. Of cos, eventualli i dun have to beg for them in sec sch cos i have ren yuan so ppl always come find me to joke and laugh, rite SY and MIC? But when i reach poly stage, i realised that for some things i dun like, i just keep quiet and the bad thing is i am not feeling good abt it. Yet i have to accomodate. Some time, there are realli things that make me very angry, some ppl whom i am not close to yet always give me stares and smirk, I dun like them yet i keep quiet. That's not me u noe. By rite, when i reaches that age, i could have easily scold, just ask any one of my fren, how crude i can be. SH and KT will nod approvingly. But i just keep quiet. For some not so close frens but somehow or another u had to be part of my life cos of other reasons, i may not like some things u do, yet i stil act as if i am ok with that. I am tired of that... Why i still keep quiet and treat u guys nice while i dun like u, cos my mother teaches me to be polite, i give u some respect. The worst thing would have to be putting in so much efforts, yet not getting back the type of frenship i expect, the kind where ppl treat me like true frens, the types of frens who dun do small actions behind my back, and dun stop competing with me. I met many since sec schs and i wan to say I WONT GIVE A DAMN NOW COS I AM MORE FORTUNATE THAN U PPL IN MANY WAYS, SO BE JEALOUS AND CONT UR BEHAVIOR BAH. I nv make rude remards tomyself, yet sometimes i get bad remarks from them back. Yes, i happy siao siao one rite, but i can tell u, those words u have said, remains in my heart for so long and it cut me into pieces man. Yes, that hurtful.
So I think i realli deserve alot for the efforts i put into my frens' lives. When i tot of my past rite, i realise i help ppl more than they help me. (Cos i am a more independent person and i have a "you se me wo mei you jian guo de" attidute.) And if u realli help me, i make sure i have already pay back by now. So now, being 19 approaching 20, i wan to say goodbye to my previous self, the always bottle things up in my heart "SALLY". Now, i have a choice, if i dun like, i dun like n i chose to walk away, i dun have to pretend to like u cos i will feel even more miserable for u n me.
Ok, i am not trying to claim credits for the things i done, but i just want to voice out on how i feel all these years, it has been bottling inside my heart for a long time and it's time for me to say what i wan to say in my blog.
But of cos to those nice frens i have, i am grateful and happy to know u, if u ever continue be my frens, i make sure i will share my happiness and success with u guys just as i promised my family.
to end this blog entry, i came upon a very beautiful pic online n u shld see it..

this is what beauty means, see that happy and yet mysterious look in her eyes? And that smile is slightly like a smirk, and that beautiful background? Wow, i think this gal is realli pretty and not pretentious. And even me as a gal rite, i also wan to find out what she is thinking in her mind. hahaha...
pay day coming!
Last time when my father passed away, i knew my mum was not dealing it well. Though she put on a good front, but she would just throw her temper whenever little things happened. Dealing with a situation where she had to continue to bring up 3 children (ok maybe only left me who just started my secondary education, while my other two siblings were already grown up), plus the stress coming from my relatives who expect her to work after being a housewife for 15 years at that period, and some ppl eyeing on the money left behind by my father's insurance, she was considered a wonder mum le.
That should be the hardest period of my teenage life, trying to be guai and tame so that i won't caused so much worry to my family. Yet i realised that whatever small mistakes i made, my mum and sis will get realli angry with me and my mum would scold me using all kinds of words u have nv heard b4.
I was sad, crying all the time, plus dealing witha fren in my class who did treat me like dirt or some disease, WENDY LEE (i still rmb how u threw my book on the floor), i feel that life was meaningless and i even tot of suicide. I was in the living room, while my mum n sis were in the bedroom, I could have easily open the door and jumped of within 5 min, yet i didn't. Cos i knew how irresponsible that would be. Cos I promised my father too much. For the most basic thing i promised my father would be to take care of my mum, plus after seeing the din created at my father's funeral, the more i thought to myself, no matter how mother scold me, I mustn't do anymore thing to make her even angry. i should be there to protect her. Just keep quiet and everything wil be ok, i thought.
Even till now, whenevver we had small or big quarrels, should it be my fault or their faults, i always keep quiet. Accomodation u might say. Always give in, no good u might agree. But the fact is, I did all these not because i am a coward, a mummy's gal who wants to please them. No, but i did all these cos i knew how much i owe them. Last time, ppl tell my bro and I about my mother's and my sister's bad stuff like how lazy they were (for my mother did not work and my sis took a long period to finally find a job that suited her), I have been very polite to smile off it and sometimes fight back, while my bro might actualli keep quiet. But please, nv criticise about the mother to the daughter, cos eventualli, she is their mother, the one who brought her up.
Ok, u might ask me, what has all this thing got to do with being fortunate. Seriously, don't u think i am already very fortunate, having mother who managed to continue her life within such a short period of time after her husband died, somemore with my father leaving behind not much money, yet bringing me up, letting me study, eat and wear what i want.
I may not have branded stuff in my secondary school, i may not have a father to see me thru graduation but i have a good mother and good siblings who buy me stuff that i will nv ask for for my birthday (expensive stuff), who bring me out for good food and giving me advice to prepare me for the working society..
I have so many things, that others with the same situation as me, might not have. Don't u think i am very fortunate and i should be content.
My last blog entry i mentioned abt having no money to survive thru this month before i got my pay rite? Guess what, yesterday my bro and my sis each gave me another $50 to tide me thru the week. Plus, the thing is i have nv mentioned it to them that i need money. I just kept quiet, planning to eat cheap for that last 3 days of the month. I was so touched. By rite, this month i wun get any more allowance from them.
I am so lucky i tell u.
back to the topic of "deserve more stuff for the effort i have put into my life, my family's and my friends' lives", I have been very nice and accomodating, My mum pissed me off, i angry la, but aft a while, i go say sorry to my mum, not cos i was the one at fault, but becos i done wrong for shouting at her. No respect! No manners! CW was telling me how pissed he was when he had a fight with his bro. Though he was angry, he still cannot resist to give his bro money cos that's his bro. Same as what i was trying to say. So, to all those ppl who wan to badmouth abt my family, don't do it in front of me, cos they will only get urself into trouble. I diam diam not i scare, but i being polite to ignore, the next time they try it again, i make sure they have no dignity. i been thru the most difficult time of my life n who's theer for me, i knew it tooo clearly.
Speaking of the effort i have put into my friends' lives, I have been realli very accomodating. My frens, don't be angry when u read this, and PLEASE DON"T BRING UP THIS TOPIC AGAIN WHEN U MEET ME NEXT TIME, i am just trying to voice out my views for all these years. (PLUS THIS MAY NOT MEAN U ARE THE ONE) By right hor, given my pattern last time rite, my frens angry with me, un fren me, i cry... and beg... that was in pri and sec sch, where i was craving for friendship. Of cos, eventualli i dun have to beg for them in sec sch cos i have ren yuan so ppl always come find me to joke and laugh, rite SY and MIC? But when i reach poly stage, i realised that for some things i dun like, i just keep quiet and the bad thing is i am not feeling good abt it. Yet i have to accomodate. Some time, there are realli things that make me very angry, some ppl whom i am not close to yet always give me stares and smirk, I dun like them yet i keep quiet. That's not me u noe. By rite, when i reaches that age, i could have easily scold, just ask any one of my fren, how crude i can be. SH and KT will nod approvingly. But i just keep quiet. For some not so close frens but somehow or another u had to be part of my life cos of other reasons, i may not like some things u do, yet i stil act as if i am ok with that. I am tired of that... Why i still keep quiet and treat u guys nice while i dun like u, cos my mother teaches me to be polite, i give u some respect. The worst thing would have to be putting in so much efforts, yet not getting back the type of frenship i expect, the kind where ppl treat me like true frens, the types of frens who dun do small actions behind my back, and dun stop competing with me. I met many since sec schs and i wan to say I WONT GIVE A DAMN NOW COS I AM MORE FORTUNATE THAN U PPL IN MANY WAYS, SO BE JEALOUS AND CONT UR BEHAVIOR BAH. I nv make rude remards tomyself, yet sometimes i get bad remarks from them back. Yes, i happy siao siao one rite, but i can tell u, those words u have said, remains in my heart for so long and it cut me into pieces man. Yes, that hurtful.
So I think i realli deserve alot for the efforts i put into my frens' lives. When i tot of my past rite, i realise i help ppl more than they help me. (Cos i am a more independent person and i have a "you se me wo mei you jian guo de" attidute.) And if u realli help me, i make sure i have already pay back by now. So now, being 19 approaching 20, i wan to say goodbye to my previous self, the always bottle things up in my heart "SALLY". Now, i have a choice, if i dun like, i dun like n i chose to walk away, i dun have to pretend to like u cos i will feel even more miserable for u n me.
Ok, i am not trying to claim credits for the things i done, but i just want to voice out on how i feel all these years, it has been bottling inside my heart for a long time and it's time for me to say what i wan to say in my blog.
But of cos to those nice frens i have, i am grateful and happy to know u, if u ever continue be my frens, i make sure i will share my happiness and success with u guys just as i promised my family.
to end this blog entry, i came upon a very beautiful pic online n u shld see it..

this is what beauty means, see that happy and yet mysterious look in her eyes? And that smile is slightly like a smirk, and that beautiful background? Wow, i think this gal is realli pretty and not pretentious. And even me as a gal rite, i also wan to find out what she is thinking in her mind. hahaha...
pay day coming!
Friday, April 25, 2008
I am so dead
Haiz, finally it reaches the point of my life where i am in debts (at only 19 yrs old), and with only 18 dollar in my account. Yes, back to the days where i have no more money in my account aft saving and saving. This is the first time, where i work for like 1 and a 1/2 month yet not spending on anything except food and transport, ok maybe 8 days la... Give me some claps man...
You know, last time when i work part time, even b4 i got my pay, i will buy shoes (cos i lurvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee shoes), buy shirts, and treat my mum to dinner. but now? even going out for lunch will make me consider and plan on what i should eat so i will spend less and eat more. Yes, that poor thing. You know, my mum also says, u can save on shoes, clothes but not on food. And for me, i always believe that if i wan to eat sumthing, den just go ahead. but now, think and think again.
And the Worst thing is, I haven got my pay! So, i am waiting..
Last time during lunch, i would walk into the Charles and Keith shops looking at their shoes and heels, but yest during my lunch hour, I can only stand outside and look. Cos i knew myself too well, if i go in, i have no control.
I owe so many ppl money, i owe my sis $300 cos previously i have no money to strat work with. and this $300 is already finishing.... I owe JT $25 though he already treat me $15 for that farewell dinner with eunice. N! What about the Sydney trip? What about my graduation attire? My formal wear? I still have to pay my sis money for the trip. I also need to change money for the trip rite?
I can imagine the pay i received next week will be gone within 2 days and then i have to borrow money again. Haiz....
How i wish i have a much higher salary.
Please let my mum win lottery!
You know, last time when i work part time, even b4 i got my pay, i will buy shoes (cos i lurvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee shoes), buy shirts, and treat my mum to dinner. but now? even going out for lunch will make me consider and plan on what i should eat so i will spend less and eat more. Yes, that poor thing. You know, my mum also says, u can save on shoes, clothes but not on food. And for me, i always believe that if i wan to eat sumthing, den just go ahead. but now, think and think again.
And the Worst thing is, I haven got my pay! So, i am waiting..
Last time during lunch, i would walk into the Charles and Keith shops looking at their shoes and heels, but yest during my lunch hour, I can only stand outside and look. Cos i knew myself too well, if i go in, i have no control.
I owe so many ppl money, i owe my sis $300 cos previously i have no money to strat work with. and this $300 is already finishing.... I owe JT $25 though he already treat me $15 for that farewell dinner with eunice. N! What about the Sydney trip? What about my graduation attire? My formal wear? I still have to pay my sis money for the trip. I also need to change money for the trip rite?
I can imagine the pay i received next week will be gone within 2 days and then i have to borrow money again. Haiz....
How i wish i have a much higher salary.
Please let my mum win lottery!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Sydney Intinery Part 1
Hahahahaa, I am getting pretty excited abt my trip to Sydney... The day is approaching and i tot it's time to do some planning huh.. Ok, good news first, so my sister lied to me abt going alone with my mum to check into the hotel.. She say she will meet me at the airport then we go to the hotel together.. Another good news is I'm staying at the Vibe hotel! It's a sort of contemporary kind of hotel, v stylish lei, although the hotel looks kind of small to me.. Show u some pics k...
This is what i found on their website...
This is the exterior, hope it will be that sunny when i go there, suny and windy la... Very classic kind of look..

I have to take some of my own pics to show u if it's realli that nice.
It's cool cos it is situated at the city centre... realli close to the Chinatown, those high end area like Market Street (their fashion street) , and also to those places of interest like their Hyde Park Barracks, Sydney Harbour Bridge and so on.. So there should be no problem for me to go ard.. Should not get lost, cos they have city rail too which is kind of accessible...
1 Sing dollar = 0.766 Aust dollar
ok la, it's not too much. plus i think the stuff there should not be too ex rite? ook, i better bring more money... just in case...
Best of all, i told my mum that i will definiteyly bring her ard man.. We will visit not only those attractions but also, i will go find out, or should i say, i already found out the shopping centre that we can head off to, when we are tired of the outdoor activities.. This hotel website is v good loh, they actualli list the top 10 shopping areas, top ten night spots and top ten places of interest.. I even found out on the weekend markets, like what time the store opens till (sadly, 9-5.30pm only) and where can we have supper if we realli need.
I will try to plan alot of places to go and slowly show u guys la.. As to whether i will visit those places at all, will depend on the weather and the convenience...
You know how kiasu i am not, like nv go oversea before, i actualli went to read the map, get myself familiar with the hotel situation, and which area is in which direction, and check out on the zoo lah and so on.. When i done with all of my itinery huh, whihc i will do it in MS Words, i copy and paste.. Now i go do some more research...
This is what i found on their website...

This is the lobby, funy lei they call it the buddha lobby, dunno why they put it there, i go check out when i go there. And the sofa look like my house one.. Mine is also hot pink from Ikea. Very bright colours they used.
Very bright hor the room, again bold colour.. Mayb i sleep on the sofa if realli the bed is small for 3 ppl.
I have to take some of my own pics to show u if it's realli that nice.
They have a outdoor rooftop pool, very small, but good for me cos i cant swim haha... and a gym.. these are the places i can go to if my outing ends early...
It's cool cos it is situated at the city centre... realli close to the Chinatown, those high end area like Market Street (their fashion street) , and also to those places of interest like their Hyde Park Barracks, Sydney Harbour Bridge and so on.. So there should be no problem for me to go ard.. Should not get lost, cos they have city rail too which is kind of accessible...
click to enlarge
i also checked out on the currency convertor rate.1 Sing dollar = 0.766 Aust dollar
ok la, it's not too much. plus i think the stuff there should not be too ex rite? ook, i better bring more money... just in case...
Best of all, i told my mum that i will definiteyly bring her ard man.. We will visit not only those attractions but also, i will go find out, or should i say, i already found out the shopping centre that we can head off to, when we are tired of the outdoor activities.. This hotel website is v good loh, they actualli list the top 10 shopping areas, top ten night spots and top ten places of interest.. I even found out on the weekend markets, like what time the store opens till (sadly, 9-5.30pm only) and where can we have supper if we realli need.
I will try to plan alot of places to go and slowly show u guys la.. As to whether i will visit those places at all, will depend on the weather and the convenience...
You know how kiasu i am not, like nv go oversea before, i actualli went to read the map, get myself familiar with the hotel situation, and which area is in which direction, and check out on the zoo lah and so on.. When i done with all of my itinery huh, whihc i will do it in MS Words, i copy and paste.. Now i go do some more research...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Funny day at work
Yesterday, I was doing blood grouping for the evening. Then came a baby package where i was supposed to do blood grouping using the cord blood. According to our lab practice, we are to wash the blood 3 times with saline then do forward grping only la. Then if it happened that the blood type is AB+, we have to request for the baby's own blood to reconfirm as there could be a possibility that the cord blood contain certain jelly substance that interferes with teh agglutination seen.
Very unfortunately, everytime i do it, the baby will be AB+. So, I had to call the nursery to ask for baby's own blood. By then it was 7 plus, reaching 8pm.
I called and a Filipino nurse answered
"Erm, gd morning, no gd afternoon, this is the nursery, how may i assist you?"
She's nervous u can tell.....
"Oh hi, I'm sally calling for the laboratory, my purpose of calling is to request for a baby own blood to do the blood group, patient name is so so so."
"Ok, you mean you wan the blood from the baby, to confirm the blood group is it? "
"Yes! Not the cord blood ah!"
I was a little kajiong to go hm...
"Ok, so u want me to collect now? or later?"
"Yes, now!"
"Ok, so i collect into a capillary tube? Sorry ah, I am a new nurse and I'm alone here so i not very sure."
"Yes! Heparin tube!"
"May I know who am i speaking to? I need to record down."
"Mandy." *Name changed to protect the victim.*
"How you spell it?"
Ok, just when i tot i had it all done, she called back 10 min later, and my colleague was the one who answered. She told me that the nurse from nursery called and apparently she forgot to ask for my name so she called back to do so. And then, i asked my colleague what she told her. She said she just spell out my name la.
At that point of time, i was bursting out in laughter, probably being too serious adn I tot it's time to crack some jokes. So, I told my colleague that she shouldn't tell her my name.
My colleague (very serious): "Why, dun tell her ur name den tel her mine meh?"
Me:"No, You should have tell her this... what? someone called? nope, no one called just now, are u sure? there's only one person left in the lab and that's me."
The lady confirmed freak out! haha....
"MAy I know who called just now requesting for baby's blood?"
"Oh, ya it's me, PONTIANAK, P.O.N.T.I.A.N.A.K., u can call me ponti in short!"
Oh man, my mum sure scold me one... she sure say we shouldn't use this as a joke... touch wood...
More stuff to come..
Today, a patient called "u win" came to do urine test, apparently he's not too happy about me finding bacteria in his urine so he's showing me attitude from his name.
Very unfortunately, everytime i do it, the baby will be AB+. So, I had to call the nursery to ask for baby's own blood. By then it was 7 plus, reaching 8pm.
I called and a Filipino nurse answered
"Erm, gd morning, no gd afternoon, this is the nursery, how may i assist you?"
She's nervous u can tell.....
"Oh hi, I'm sally calling for the laboratory, my purpose of calling is to request for a baby own blood to do the blood group, patient name is so so so."
"Ok, you mean you wan the blood from the baby, to confirm the blood group is it? "
"Yes! Not the cord blood ah!"
I was a little kajiong to go hm...
"Ok, so u want me to collect now? or later?"
"Yes, now!"
"Ok, so i collect into a capillary tube? Sorry ah, I am a new nurse and I'm alone here so i not very sure."
"Yes! Heparin tube!"
"May I know who am i speaking to? I need to record down."
"Mandy." *Name changed to protect the victim.*
"How you spell it?"
Ok, just when i tot i had it all done, she called back 10 min later, and my colleague was the one who answered. She told me that the nurse from nursery called and apparently she forgot to ask for my name so she called back to do so. And then, i asked my colleague what she told her. She said she just spell out my name la.
At that point of time, i was bursting out in laughter, probably being too serious adn I tot it's time to crack some jokes. So, I told my colleague that she shouldn't tell her my name.
My colleague (very serious): "Why, dun tell her ur name den tel her mine meh?"
Me:"No, You should have tell her this... what? someone called? nope, no one called just now, are u sure? there's only one person left in the lab and that's me."
The lady confirmed freak out! haha....
"MAy I know who called just now requesting for baby's blood?"
"Oh, ya it's me, PONTIANAK, P.O.N.T.I.A.N.A.K., u can call me ponti in short!"
Oh man, my mum sure scold me one... she sure say we shouldn't use this as a joke... touch wood...
More stuff to come..
Today, a patient called "u win" came to do urine test, apparently he's not too happy about me finding bacteria in his urine so he's showing me attitude from his name.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
I found my Po Po
Today is the last day of Qing Ming and I found 3 persons in the same columbarian. Yes, I feel very happy because I finally found my po po's (father's big mother) ashes and I finally pay respect to her.
My mother & I followed our uncles to this Christian Chapel & columbarium at Poh Huat Rd to pay respect to my great grand mother (my grandmother's mother). I shall not go into details, but the main point is we couldn't find my great grandmother's ashes at the first time. It was only until when I went to the second storey alone (yes, alone and it was all dark cos there was not one human being in that room and the lights were off) that I was teh first one to find my greatgrandmother pic among a whole lot of others. Funny and weird thing is, I have no impression of her. I saw her once an it was when i was realli young. Yet, I recognised her cos my Ah Ma and great grand mother showed some resemblance. That's not all.
The reason why I went out to the second storey alone was because my mum suddenly remembered that my po po's ashes were also rested at this same chapel. I know this is getting complicated but my father actually had 2 mothers and he was the eldest son of the mistress while the po po that i found today was my grandpa's big wife. So, my mum called my grandpa and asked for the exact place where po po was.
As my grandpa is really old and senile, he couldn't remember where it was so my mum asked my po po's son. According to what my uncle (which i dun noe him well) told my mum, he could only remember that it is at the furthest block (that means it is also Blk 4, same block as my great grand mother's) and the second level, room 8 and dunno what unit 008 la.
Then my mum asked me to go check out level 2 first, so I went la. When i went in there, the first thing I do is to fidn the switches to the lights. I tell you, though i know that there is nothing there, but having the whole room to urself and with so many pics looking at u rite, u suddenly feel a sense of erriness. I went straight looking for my great grand mother before looking for my po po's one. Cos i was waiting for my mum to come up. Without 5 min, i found my great grand mother and by then, my mum was there too so she told me to quick go find my po po. I went to room 8 and look for unit 8. But, that wasn't my po po.
I told my mum and she continued telling me to look for those with no 8 in their unit no. While she said this, she walk out of room 8 and went straight to my great grandmother's unit. I scanned thru all the pics, but to no avail. Finally just when i was about to give up and turned to call out to my mum, asking her to reconfirm the unit again, I turned back and RIGHT THERE in front of me, was my po po's pic.
I can't describe my feeling to u, cos i'm not good with description. But i can only say i feel tears in my eyes. Very drama u may say. My po po had passed away for 10 yrs now, and there was not once we visited her b4. NV! The most, we just pay respect in front of her photo at my grandpa's hse during CNY. That's all. But today, I finally found her, without effort. I callled out to my mum, she came in and she felt very happy and she kept stroking po po's pic and calling her name.
Although she is not my biological grandma, she was the po po that i remembered the most. The nicest of the two grandmas. The most likeable, virtuous, and motherly grandma I have ever had. She is the one that single-handedly brought up her children, always cook hakka yong tau foo for us when we went her house on the first day of CNY. I rmbered her as the grandma who always sat on those small stool while we sat on her sofa. She spoke hakka and a little bit of hokkien for my mum to understand her. Though i dun understand what she said most of the time, but i rmbered her as the old lady who always put the grandchildren's photos under the glass top of the coffee table. She did not care taht we were the mistress's grandchildren and she loved us like she loved her own grandchildren. And she always say i look pretty when i was young, now not sure la...hehe..
Today, I just feel very happy that I finally pay my respect to her. I was still telling my frens abt this grandma that i had yesterday and today, i found her ashes. It's the best feeling I have nv felt for a long time. The feeling of finally finding what u lost, satisfying and touched.
My mum told me that, it is the fate between me and my po po that makes me able to find her. MAybe it's true...
My mother & I followed our uncles to this Christian Chapel & columbarium at Poh Huat Rd to pay respect to my great grand mother (my grandmother's mother). I shall not go into details, but the main point is we couldn't find my great grandmother's ashes at the first time. It was only until when I went to the second storey alone (yes, alone and it was all dark cos there was not one human being in that room and the lights were off) that I was teh first one to find my greatgrandmother pic among a whole lot of others. Funny and weird thing is, I have no impression of her. I saw her once an it was when i was realli young. Yet, I recognised her cos my Ah Ma and great grand mother showed some resemblance. That's not all.
The reason why I went out to the second storey alone was because my mum suddenly remembered that my po po's ashes were also rested at this same chapel. I know this is getting complicated but my father actually had 2 mothers and he was the eldest son of the mistress while the po po that i found today was my grandpa's big wife. So, my mum called my grandpa and asked for the exact place where po po was.
As my grandpa is really old and senile, he couldn't remember where it was so my mum asked my po po's son. According to what my uncle (which i dun noe him well) told my mum, he could only remember that it is at the furthest block (that means it is also Blk 4, same block as my great grand mother's) and the second level, room 8 and dunno what unit 008 la.
Then my mum asked me to go check out level 2 first, so I went la. When i went in there, the first thing I do is to fidn the switches to the lights. I tell you, though i know that there is nothing there, but having the whole room to urself and with so many pics looking at u rite, u suddenly feel a sense of erriness. I went straight looking for my great grand mother before looking for my po po's one. Cos i was waiting for my mum to come up. Without 5 min, i found my great grand mother and by then, my mum was there too so she told me to quick go find my po po. I went to room 8 and look for unit 8. But, that wasn't my po po.
I told my mum and she continued telling me to look for those with no 8 in their unit no. While she said this, she walk out of room 8 and went straight to my great grandmother's unit. I scanned thru all the pics, but to no avail. Finally just when i was about to give up and turned to call out to my mum, asking her to reconfirm the unit again, I turned back and RIGHT THERE in front of me, was my po po's pic.
I can't describe my feeling to u, cos i'm not good with description. But i can only say i feel tears in my eyes. Very drama u may say. My po po had passed away for 10 yrs now, and there was not once we visited her b4. NV! The most, we just pay respect in front of her photo at my grandpa's hse during CNY. That's all. But today, I finally found her, without effort. I callled out to my mum, she came in and she felt very happy and she kept stroking po po's pic and calling her name.
Although she is not my biological grandma, she was the po po that i remembered the most. The nicest of the two grandmas. The most likeable, virtuous, and motherly grandma I have ever had. She is the one that single-handedly brought up her children, always cook hakka yong tau foo for us when we went her house on the first day of CNY. I rmbered her as the grandma who always sat on those small stool while we sat on her sofa. She spoke hakka and a little bit of hokkien for my mum to understand her. Though i dun understand what she said most of the time, but i rmbered her as the old lady who always put the grandchildren's photos under the glass top of the coffee table. She did not care taht we were the mistress's grandchildren and she loved us like she loved her own grandchildren. And she always say i look pretty when i was young, now not sure la...hehe..
Today, I just feel very happy that I finally pay my respect to her. I was still telling my frens abt this grandma that i had yesterday and today, i found her ashes. It's the best feeling I have nv felt for a long time. The feeling of finally finding what u lost, satisfying and touched.
My mum told me that, it is the fate between me and my po po that makes me able to find her. MAybe it's true...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Who will u see first when u go to heaven?
See, i knew it, u wil still read.... Read at ur own risk ah!
My dear frens, something to share...
One beautiful Saturday afternoon, I was meeting KT and SH after work. Then when we were at the Orchard MRT, about to go home, we saw a bunch of Caucausians wearing those kind of uniforms that looked like Anglo-Chinese High one. The main point is they looked like those that were very well-disciplined guys. So, KT pointd out to SH and I that they were actually missionaries. Main purpose is to spread the words of God. She said that they will sit beside u and start toking to u.
Speaking of this issue right, she told me that during the NUS baazar, there was also one girl who keep toking to SH and her, at first normal chat, then went on to religion and so on. Sometimes it can be a little annoying when you dun wan to say too much to them and when you did, they just continue questioning u on ur belief. So, out of curosity, I asked KT.
The conversation went like this...
ME: "What will these people usually ask?"
KT, being very experienced with all these stuff cos she have been approached many times :
"They will link u into this topic by asking u where will u go when u die?"
SH: "Of cos go heaven la!"
KT: "You cannot say like this, cos they will confirm ask u back, then who will u meet first when u go heaven?"
SH, being a Budddhist, answered this immediately without thinking: "GUAN YING!"
hahaha, you may be laughing rite now, but SH realli answered that within a split of second.
KT:"Hahahaha, they will expect you to say GOD la SH! Then sally u lei?"
Me? I say LING BEI (my father)!
Ok, that's not all lei, so today i met MIC, SH and KT again and I was telling them, who says we have to go heaven then can see the people we want to see?
Directed to SH, who says you must go heaven then can see GUAN YING one? Well, aparently, I saw her yesterday. Yes, I saw her, it reads GUAN YING. In fact, I even recieved her blessed water (with pomelo leaves)!
Post note:
Yesterday, I receieved a urine sample from a patient called Guan Ying, seems like she had a realli bad UTI. Poor thing, help human too much and now it's time for us human to pay back.
See, i knew it, u wil still read.... Read at ur own risk ah!
My dear frens, something to share...
One beautiful Saturday afternoon, I was meeting KT and SH after work. Then when we were at the Orchard MRT, about to go home, we saw a bunch of Caucausians wearing those kind of uniforms that looked like Anglo-Chinese High one. The main point is they looked like those that were very well-disciplined guys. So, KT pointd out to SH and I that they were actually missionaries. Main purpose is to spread the words of God. She said that they will sit beside u and start toking to u.
Speaking of this issue right, she told me that during the NUS baazar, there was also one girl who keep toking to SH and her, at first normal chat, then went on to religion and so on. Sometimes it can be a little annoying when you dun wan to say too much to them and when you did, they just continue questioning u on ur belief. So, out of curosity, I asked KT.
The conversation went like this...
ME: "What will these people usually ask?"
KT, being very experienced with all these stuff cos she have been approached many times :
"They will link u into this topic by asking u where will u go when u die?"
SH: "Of cos go heaven la!"
KT: "You cannot say like this, cos they will confirm ask u back, then who will u meet first when u go heaven?"
SH, being a Budddhist, answered this immediately without thinking: "GUAN YING!"
hahaha, you may be laughing rite now, but SH realli answered that within a split of second.
KT:"Hahahaha, they will expect you to say GOD la SH! Then sally u lei?"
Me? I say LING BEI (my father)!
Ok, that's not all lei, so today i met MIC, SH and KT again and I was telling them, who says we have to go heaven then can see the people we want to see?
Directed to SH, who says you must go heaven then can see GUAN YING one? Well, aparently, I saw her yesterday. Yes, I saw her, it reads GUAN YING. In fact, I even recieved her blessed water (with pomelo leaves)!
Post note:
Yesterday, I receieved a urine sample from a patient called Guan Ying, seems like she had a realli bad UTI. Poor thing, help human too much and now it's time for us human to pay back.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Yo guys, guess what? I have tons of good news to share! Yeah and of cos, some things that happened at work that i ought to share.
First, did you see the sky when you woke up this morning???????? It's PINK!
Yes, and what does it means? It means there is going to be a big downpour for the day! YIPPIE! U noe rite, this few days had been so humid and stuffy and sunny! I tell u ah, you try working in the lab wearing ur lab coat and the machines are all running, giving out heat while at the same time, the aircon in the lab could not worked. Everyone just feel like fainting! THe weather is soooooooooooo hot that the hospital's compressor wouldn't work!
What's more? Everytime some one go out for lunch and when they come back, i can assure you the smell is just terrible+ horrible. TERRORIBLE!!!!! Then for those guys tat sweat, teh gals will start to hover around them, asking them to take off their labcoat to air before wearing them back..
Ok, that's not my main purpose of writing this post.
Well, I just wan to tell u guys how much I'm looking forward to MAY! Why? COs all the holidays are coming! We have LAbour Day on a thursday, Vesak Day on a Monday and Graduation Day on a FRIDAY! So many leave!!!!! Best of all,
I'm going to SYDNEY!!!!!!!
WAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! Plus, this is going to be my first time bringing my mum and exploring the city on our own!!! NO tour guide, no help! SO, I'm going to plan my itinery slowly and carefully, making sure that i dun go to places that are too far and too dangerous...
And, the one thing i must do is to go and find STEVE IRWIN (I mean his zoo). I will go and look for koalas and crocs!
Another "must see" place will definitely be the Bondi Beach, famous for their nude tanning! WAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH! Jealous rite? DUN be jealous, cos it's autumn in May so no idiots will tan there. But wouldn't it be nice to explore and immerse urself in the natural beauty liek blue mountains and so?
Ok i will plan, and i will come up with an itinery and show u guys. Too bad, I'm going on a budget, if not I will spend alot of money on visiting their places on interests one. MAyb even climb their harbour bridge! COOl rite?
But nevertheless, I'll make sure i got everything planned well before i go. Even if i did not get the chance to go to alot of places, but at least I get to breathe the SYDNEY air! haha..
PS: Yes, so sad i'm on a budget trip there, i spent my entire one month salary on this trip, but dun worry, I can buy u some nougats. HAHAHAHA
Btw, if anyone of u have been to sydney b4, share with me on what i can do lei.
First, did you see the sky when you woke up this morning???????? It's PINK!
Yes, and what does it means? It means there is going to be a big downpour for the day! YIPPIE! U noe rite, this few days had been so humid and stuffy and sunny! I tell u ah, you try working in the lab wearing ur lab coat and the machines are all running, giving out heat while at the same time, the aircon in the lab could not worked. Everyone just feel like fainting! THe weather is soooooooooooo hot that the hospital's compressor wouldn't work!
What's more? Everytime some one go out for lunch and when they come back, i can assure you the smell is just terrible+ horrible. TERRORIBLE!!!!! Then for those guys tat sweat, teh gals will start to hover around them, asking them to take off their labcoat to air before wearing them back..
Ok, that's not my main purpose of writing this post.
Well, I just wan to tell u guys how much I'm looking forward to MAY! Why? COs all the holidays are coming! We have LAbour Day on a thursday, Vesak Day on a Monday and Graduation Day on a FRIDAY! So many leave!!!!! Best of all,
I'm going to SYDNEY!!!!!!!
WAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! Plus, this is going to be my first time bringing my mum and exploring the city on our own!!! NO tour guide, no help! SO, I'm going to plan my itinery slowly and carefully, making sure that i dun go to places that are too far and too dangerous...
And, the one thing i must do is to go and find STEVE IRWIN (I mean his zoo). I will go and look for koalas and crocs!
Another "must see" place will definitely be the Bondi Beach, famous for their nude tanning! WAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH! Jealous rite? DUN be jealous, cos it's autumn in May so no idiots will tan there. But wouldn't it be nice to explore and immerse urself in the natural beauty liek blue mountains and so?
Ok i will plan, and i will come up with an itinery and show u guys. Too bad, I'm going on a budget, if not I will spend alot of money on visiting their places on interests one. MAyb even climb their harbour bridge! COOl rite?
But nevertheless, I'll make sure i got everything planned well before i go. Even if i did not get the chance to go to alot of places, but at least I get to breathe the SYDNEY air! haha..
PS: Yes, so sad i'm on a budget trip there, i spent my entire one month salary on this trip, but dun worry, I can buy u some nougats. HAHAHAHA
Btw, if anyone of u have been to sydney b4, share with me on what i can do lei.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I want to travel!
I am planning on a travel trip... to somewhere fun, relaxing.. actualli hor, as long it is not in singapore, it will do one. cos once u are out of spore, anywhere is new to u n u will definitely enjoy it. rite now i got 3 countries where i realli feel like going
1. Taiwan
2. Thailand
3. Langawi (Malaysia) (go see xiaxue's blog)
So i am planning and i hope i can go to any one by this year. Apparently, my sis is going to sydney this may for work and she wants my mum and i to join her.. which means i have to go on a free and easy trip with my mum while my sis is working. of cos, the ticket is ex but aft minusing the accomodation, it is worth a trip (cos we can share room with her). But the main prob is I haven managed to get my leave approved yet. u guys shld noe how much i wanted to go on a holiday aft graduation... haiz.. so hopefully this monday when i go back i hope mr wong will approved my leave!
I want go to this 

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