Friday, June 15, 2012

Penang June 2012 (Part 2)

Continued from previous post...

Khoo Kongsi Temple
A lavishly decorated temple which was used as a filming site for a scene from Anna and the King.

Very nice right?

The only problem is that my camera sucks!

Quite grand due to the gold paints...

Attempting artistic shots from here onwards which I think they failed. LOL

Anyway, the temple was not too big and within 15 min, you can finish touring the place. We went there mainly for bro to take some film pics.

This is how it looks like at night. We won't get to see anyway because the attraction is closed after 5pm.

Before the trip, I went online to search for the good food in Penang. Then I came upon this kyspeaks post where the blogger is a Malaysian and he recommended this Char Siew Rice stall at Chulia St. According to him, it's the best CSR in Penang. So, one fine morning after our visit to Khoo Kongsi Temple, we got the hotel driver to send us to this coffee shop. How disappointed we were! There is nothing special about the rice. No fragrance, not salty enough, not sweet enough, meat too fat and rice too hard. Honestly, you can get better ones from any of our hawker centres. 

But, it was still quite an experience because the stall only opens from 11-1pm daily and within the three hours, all the meat will be sold out and being typical Singaporeans, we arrived there at 10.30am. We got to watch how they set up their stall.

The helpers getting ready while waiting for the boss to arrive with his roast meat. They arrived by motocycles. Imagine you are driving and there is a bunch of roast meat hanging next to your car. LOL

The boss and an auntie that photobombed him.

Rushed out to receive the rest of the meat from his son.

Here I present the famous CSR. The nicest dish is the vegetables. : /

Went to Prangin Mall one afternoon for reflexology. It's not that we want to do foot reflexology but there is really nothing to shop. Then we went to this coffeeshop for lunch.

Assam tom yum soup!

On the last day of our trip, we went in search for a peranakan restaurant that sells authentic peranakan food. It was located near our hotel so we walked there.

A house transformed into a restaurant...

The decor is not really peranakan but rather how a typical house in the past looked like. 

The ambience was great cos they have oldies playing in the background and we were the only customers. But, it gets so stressful because all the waitresses were standing around us. 

Assam prawns

Black fungus salad (this is good)

Tau Jiu Bah (pork in bean sauce!)

Mixed vege with cuttlefish (a bit like popiah vege)

Ngoh Hiang
Instead of minced meat, they used chunks of meats for the filling.

Black glutinous porridge which is so thick and rich in flavour! YUM!

For dinner, we went to Kim Gary at Gurney Plaza. Man, this is the first time that I find the food at Kim Gary is nice. The ones in Singapore pale in comparison!

Korean Instant Noodles with Pork Chop! SO NICE! 

Chicken instant noodles
I think lucas likes this!

Black Pepper Pork Chop

XO Fried Rice!

All the food are so delicious! Honestly, I think Kim Gary needs to do something about the quality of their outlets in Singapore.

So, that's all for Penang! The next travelogue will be the cruise trip to Redang!

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