Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Teeth Story

Managed to get this pics of the moulds taken before the start of my braces... Can see how crowded my teeth were! OH my!

 X-ray of my mouth! Tell you something stupid abt me, all along I did not know I have 4 wisdom teeth. Whenever des or my friends were talking about wisdom teeth, I will tell that that I don't see mine protuding out from the gum so I have no wisdom thus no wisdom teeth! How silly am I right! It was only recently when I looked at the X-ray taken two years back then I noticed the four teeth hidden beneath the gum! Can you spot them?

 Wah, quite jialat lei! The second incisor on the right is practically covered by the first.

 The tooth marked "X" is the one being extracted.

Now, my teeth are sui sui! Anyway, this shall not be the end of my journey to having perfect teeth, I still notice some gaps between the teeth as some teeth are quite small and have shapes that make it hard for me to have completely straight and packed teeth. So, hopefully in the years to come, I would have the chance and $ to go for refinement and also gum reduction!

Counting down to my birthday!!!

My celebration has sort of started a day before my birthday, with the NIE mates celebrating my birthday with karaoke and high tea @ Goodwood Park Hotel! They even got me a present and a card! So sweet of them.

Before I got to that part, I shall share the story of my brand new straightened teeth. Anyway, I already spent so much on them, I think they really deserve a post!

In case you forget how I look before getting braces, this is it!

Hello Bunny!

Aiyo, protuding front teeth... Didn't really hate my teeth at that time. I think they were not as bad as some other cases that I have seen before. The cons are that I couldn't smile with my mouth closed, pronounce "H" properly without sounding like "hecks" and always getting ulcers on the lips because my front teeth may accidentally bite my lips. Super sian!

Oh, and I think my jaws were a lil bigger back then...

Then in June 2009, I finally got the money and time to get my braces done. See the gap in my mouth? I got 4 teeth extracted so that it can correct the overcrowding condition.

June 2009 

The process was not pleasant at all! I had to endure frequent cases of ulcers and pain as well. BUTTTT, for the sake of beauty, I endure!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you know how some people say that you will lose weight when you have braces, I totally DISAGREE!
You will see why soon... haha...
December 2009 

June 2010

August 2010
December 2010

Not only did I not lose appetite, I adapted pretty fast and could eat almost anything!
Besides the change of hairstyle, my teeth also shifted pretty fast. 

Jan 2011

As my teeth become straighter and tighter, my waist and face become rounder and fuller! HAHAAHAHAHA

 June 2011

So after about 2 and a half year later, I finally got rid of my braces and here I present to you my new shiny and smooth teeth!

Are you ready?

I can smile with my mouth closed, like finally!

And this is me smiling with my lips opened.

Anyway, I feel neutral about my new teeth but I'm just glad that the tedious and expensive process is finally over!

Say HI to my new teeth!

By the way, I have a new phone! And I'm so lucky to get the white one.

iPhone cover that I bought from Bangkok in June

The phone is also partially sponsored by KT, SH and Mic. Thanks girls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The changes are clearly noticeable in your photos. You’re definitely looking more beautiful and sexier. There’s a lot of truth in the saying, “Feeling good is looking good,” and you have actually proven it. ;)

Ethan Pew