Sunday, February 20, 2011

Grandma's @ NEX

I thought I share with you guys on this new dining option at NEX...

Met up with Joan after so long (more than 6 months!) and we decided to hit NEX to look for yummy food. There were so many restaurants and we finally decided on Grandma's, a place that sells local dishes like laksa, curry chicken and so on.

Well, I know about this restaurant when I was working at Novena. There was one at United Square and I remembered walking past the restaurant many times and seeing the long queue during lunch break.
I'm glad I tried out the restaurant yesterday! The food was worthwhile and definitely reminded me of my mum's cooking, especially the curry chicken!

sambal ladyfingers...

Salted egg yolk prawns

the best out of all dishes: curry chicken!


By the way, as long as you ordered any dish, you can top up 60cents for either chendol (yummy!) or grass jelly.

The total bill is around $46. I think the curry chicken was delicious and we were given the best parts of the chicken: thigh and drumstick.

That's not all! Joan passed me a belated birthday gift which I totally love it!

Guess what it is...

It's a musical jewelery box! Super cute! Now I can hang my necklaces and arranged my earrings neatly! Thanks Joan! Had a great chat with you as well!

By the way, I bought two new CDS yesterday which will tide me through my boring workdays...

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