Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thank you for reading my blog!


You must be thinking I am so free that I have gone crazy! hahaha
Well, the answer is YES but for the latter! 

I'm really crazy and I feel like I am at the top of the world!

You see, I joined Nuffnang which is an blog advertising company that will help bloggers earn $ by using their blog space to help Nuffnang advertise for certain companies that collaborated with them.
Sounds confusing right? I don't understand what I'm typing too lol.

In simple terms,
I place their advertising banner on my blog,
visitors who read my blog will see the ads,
should anyone click on the banner,
I will earn a few cents and this will accumulate till $50 before a cheque will be sent to me.

Get it?
Ok, the thing is, I didn't "earn" any $ at all. In fact, my account is still at 80cents and I totally gave up on this earning thing.

But, what I was happy is that ever since I registered with Nuffnang, they will track the daily visits from readers all over the world (I even know the country that the readers were from). I remember I was a little obsessed over this thing last year and I would check everyday on the daily visits. However, I soon got over it as I did not want blogging to be a chore.

The good news is, I just went to check on the daily visits and I saw that I get an average of 250 visits weekly for the past three weeks!!!!!!! And each day I get an average of 20 over people visiting my blog.

Impressive or what?! I was totally shocked. I mean, do you people really find my blog interesting? Maybe I should put it this way, it's not like most of them just google something and come to my blog. Majority of the people who visit my blog are people who know the address and want to read about my life!

Anyway, gratitude to whoever you are! And you just gave me a reason to blog! :)

PS: 345/630 came from Singapore and 161/630 came from USA! Whoever's from USA, thank you! And maybe you can leave me a msg on my chatbox?

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