Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My China Trip- Day 4 (Nanjing-Wuxi)

Morning: 南京大桥

The day started off quite disappointing. The tourguide told us since day 1 that it will snow in Nanjing when we reached. We were all so excited, especially me who was hoping to see snow for the first time! We were told the night before that the minute we opened our eyes in the morning, we will see snow and rain and it will be very cold.

And guess what? THERE IS NO SNOW AT ALL! Disappointing right! But luckily there is no snow cos the day turned out to be very cold! -2 degrees and imagine if it's snowing? I think I will be frozen into a status on the bridge man!

Btw, their snow is not those white fluffy type. Instead they are more like ice flakes and falls together with rain. Furthermore, we were told that we will be going up onto the famous 南京大桥 which will be very windy.

Anyway, this bridge is so famous cos it is built single-handedly by the Chinese during 毛泽东's rule. There's a story behind this bridge... listen to Ms Wong's story again...

Well, during his rule, collaborated with another communist country, Russian Federation in the hopes of using them as back-up to help the country prosper in various way. One of the things that they hoped that Russian could help is to build a bridge across 长江. At that time, there is no bridge across 长江. The only way of transporting across was by sea.

Because of this obstruction, Nanjing loses alot of money opportunities. So in order to counter this problem, 毛泽东hoped that the Russians can help them to build the bridge. However, because of some issues between the two countries which caused them to fall out (if i am not wrong, the Russians called the Chinese "pig" or stupid or something), Russians left the China and the bridge was not even built yet. Only the draft was done. So a damn pissed 毛泽东said, "The Russians looked down on us and we Chinese must prove them wrong! We can build our own bridge with our own help! To all mothers, give birth to as many kids as you can. Whoever gives birth to 10 children will be awarded a Good Mother Award!"

The united Chinese helped in all ways. Many people were dead during the construction of the bridge cos the water flow was very fast. Mothers helped by giving birth, contributing more labour. This almost explained the now over-populated China and why the govt implements the "1 child 1 family" policy.Old people scrimped and saved so they can contribute money to buy materials. The Chinese supplied their own coal and steel cos the other countries refused to help. So in 10 yrs' time, the bridge is built.


The Nanjing people adored him and they refused to demolish the bridge even though with current technology and the yearly maintenance fee for 南京大桥, they could have built a better and more stable bridge.

Interesting facts:
1. According to the tourguide, all political figures who visits Nanjing will definitely make their way to visit the bridge cos it's is a historical moment for all Chinese.

2. There are many ways to travel from Nanjing to the Southern parts of China. However, the locals still choose to travel by this bridge though there is heavy traffic every day! The reason? Because this is the only bridge that is free to pass. 毛泽东said that since this bridge is built by the people, it belongs to the people too and no one can charge them for using it! Cool right!

Then we head off to a Jade Whole Supplier...

My mum bought a 贵妃玉镯. (only 贵妃 can wear lei! hahaha)

From S$1600, we bargained all the way to $800! But I tell you ah, the salesperson very smart.
They gave a higher price then they want you to bargain. But honestly, imagine if my mum is lazy and refused to bargain, then she will "loogi" la.

Salesperson targeting my mum!

Off we went to WUXI after lunch!!!!

Afternoon to Night: 无锡
I love this place so much. It's relaxed, higher standard of living (the things are still very much
affordable), clean and pretty! it's just like New Zealand! My bro and Mum even said that they
don't mind living here when they retire! hahaha.

How should I describe it? The roads are wide and clean. There are plenty of high-rised condos.
This could be due to the no. of foreigners who are working in Wuxi. Wuxi is like a bigger version of Orchard road plus Botanic Gardens but less people, less pollution! Oh and here you can find old ang mohs with young pretty fashionable China gals!


This is actually located on the hill top where a rich family used to live. So, basically we were there to visit their manor. I must admit the greenery are very nice and the family back then must be damn rich to own such a big piece of land with so many little mazes. But luckily I don't stay in such places. Imagine your brother is studying in his room and your mum go get him for dinner. By the time he reached, that will be 20min later and the food is already cold.

A taoist temple. The rightful religion of China is taoism. Buddhism comes from Nepal.

Some study room with scenery so they can create poems when they looked out of the doors (i say one)
The tourguide said that this manor is so big that 乾隆皇帝 chose to stay here during his visit to Wuxi.



It is the main source of income for the people of Wuxi in the past (not sure about it now). The people survive on the lake cos there is a rich supply of seafood that is growing in there. Unlike other lakes where they are laden with sand and mud, stones are found here. Furthermore, the water contains plenty of minerals. Five treasures can be found in this lake: pearls, crabs 大闸蟹, silver bait fish and can't remember what! Btw, the lake is bigger than what you see here. More than 2 times of Singapore!

This is an extension out to the lake. No one from my tour dares to go out there for photograph-taking cos the wind is so strong and it is already very cold. My bro, being a shutterbug, insisted that we have to go take some pics or the trip will be wasted. So we braved the cold wind and got some nice carefree moments taken.

The rest of our tour members? Drinking coffee and heading back to the bus!
Desmond looked so convincing in the photo. Yes, the weather is THAT COLD!
A glimpse of the setting sun

After that, we had a fabulous dinner at a hotel and we so happened to see a couple holding their wedding banquet at the restaurant. Thinking that they will wear their wedding gowns in such weather? You are wrong! They just displayed their wedding photos near the front door while they wore their usual winter clothes! So funny rite! While our tourguide was describing to us about this, my tour members were asking where the couple was, not realising they were standing next to them!

Shopping next!

Lots of motorcycles!
Did not take alot of pics here cos we were given 1 and a half hr to shop! Anyway this is the place where I got the masks from! Just like takashimaya..

We went back to our hotel that night and voila! It's a 5-stars hotel! After so many days of travelling, it's good to stay in a 5-stars hotel where you can have international buffet for breakfast! Tired of all those porridge with preserved vege and fried rice!

FOUR DAYS TO GO And I am done with the whole China trip!

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