1 My Birthday Party (should have blogged about it long ago)
For those of you who know me, you should have already known that I actually wanted to organize a theme party for my birthday. You know, with a lot of animal preensss (haha). But due to tight budget and lack of time, I decided on a very last-minute bbq party, as suggested by my sis. So, I went to book a larger BBQ pit at East Coast, hoping for some bbqing action. Then, the stupid rainy season came early and drowned all my excitement. I knew the BBQ will not be able to take place and furthermore, my sis was renovating her house’s toilets so my mum will definitely be very busy, rushing here and there that she would have no time to help me prepare the food.
Since, I was left with not many choices and I have already invited my relatives, the only option was to hold a buffet at my sis house! You have no idea how rush we were. The past 4 days before my party, I had to follow my mum to my sis’s house and help oversee the entire renovation. The worst thing would have to be the night before my party. The renovation was delayed and ended quite late in the afternoon. We had so much t0o pack and clean, since the cement dust was all over her house (dining room, kitchen, living room, all rooms etc). It was so dusty that all the furniture was coated with a layer of dust. Sway sway, I was caught with a bad flu and my bones were aching, nose was dripping like a tap and eyes all teary. But, we still have to finish cleaning the house. Poor me, you would say. I am all used to this sudden attack by sickness before my birthday because it happens EVERY YEAR! It’s true, every birthday since I was young, I will celebrate with flu, giddiness or whatsoever… Maybe like what my dad would say, “Your birthday should not be celebrated! It is the day where you put your mum through so much danger and pain giving birth to you.” I simply agreed.
So, I shall leave it to the pictures to show you how the day went…
thanks to desmond, he bought this and a big pack of balloons. But those balloons kept bursting. Must be cheated! suddenly I feel like a kid again...
Flowers sponsored by sis.
Buffet catered by Yan Palace, a famouse chinese restaurant at Hong Lim Complex. Food was ok but very chinese... Please don't be shocked when you see the next pic!
YES THAT‘S ME! THE BIRTHDAY FAT GIRL! HAHA ok, I am too harsh on myself but I think you can see I look kind of awful! Eyes all droppy and nose all red and I look so fat! To KT: Itold you I put on weight and you don't believe me! The time at Chingwei's party, my weight was 52kg and that was like a 4kg gain from the time when I am still teaching (the kids tortured me mentally and physically! haha). I guess school life is fulfilling in a way that it really fill my stomach!!! haha, ate so many bread and I'm loaded. Ok, but now I am bad to a safe 50kg! My uncles still comment that I am fat. humphs...
btw, i permed my hair...
My relatives were busy enjoying the food.
Oh well, Joan was the only one who can come to my party... sobs... all you people were having your exam! lucky she came, my relatives thought that I am a loner, with no friends haha...
I would say my party was kind of boring. The adults were chatting while we "children" were watching a taiwanese gameshow. Not much of an interaction and I feel so sleepy and sick. But the highlight of the day would definitely had to be the cake I bought for my dearest Bro, Jackson Wong a.k.a Finance Tay Ping Hui or Mr Yandao.
Are you ready?
dadang! A sexy bikini babe with big boobs! Naughty huh, the bikini is only covering half of the boobs... haha. it reads "Happy Birthday YAndao and Sally"
I searched the net to look for such cakes. Expensive ok.
My bro was so embarrassed and he blushed when my uncles kept laughing at him. I said that's his fav! woohooo...

Look at him, can't wait to finish it all. hahahahahh

PS: In case you're wondering, my brother and my birthday falls on the same day. It's that coincidental and we are 7 years apart!
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