1. My new bowling ball
As majority of you know, my newly picked up sport (dunno if it's considered a sport or not) is bowling and I have always been curious abt it. What I mean is I enjoyed watching ppl play but don't really dare to try it until recently cos you know, it can get pretty malu if your ball consistently ended up in the gutter.
But nonetheless, Desmond who is an avid bowler, decided to get me interested in bowling once again. First game was super malu. Playing with Desmond was extremely stressful. I feel like I am the dumbest idiot in the world (well, i do feel like that sometimes now). How can I keep throwing my ball into the gutter? But after a few more practices with Joan joining in, I start to enjoy the game and surprisely, I am doing quite well now for a beginner. You should have seen my biceps! Solid one ok!
Anyway, back to bowling, Desmond bought me a bowling ball a few weeks back. Like what he said to me, having your own customised ball can ensure more consistent ball release. Well, he's right. At least unlike those house ball which will only goes straight, customised ball is more solid and sometimes it will spin.
Presently my new ball to you, I know the pics are a bit hilarious cos of my brother who insisted that he must take PROFESSIONAL SHOTS FOR ME! WAHAHAHAA

2. Old friend
Well, I don't have to say this in my blog but I want to. I am sorry for giving her up at that time when I do know that I don't really care if she explained to me about where she went that day. I was too busy with my own life but instead of voicing out my thoughts, I decided to go the easy way, which is following the majority. This is bad and I deeply apologised for that. And now as I mature, I know all those things are stupid and redundant. Seriously, I don't really care about the explanation. I don't want to know...
So here using my blog, I want to say sorry to you my friend! Hope you are reading this.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! I am soooooooooooooooo happy! This got to be the biggest news for me right now and I guessed those contract teachers from my school who have been waiting for more than one year must be stabbing themselves in their chests when they hear me tell this to them! Because.....
Nothing beats getting into NIE. I have been waiting for some time now. Yes, I know I just joined teaching 3 months ago and you may think that I am not ready for this, but I am, I really am.
I have been given alot of tasks. Not only teaching almost all the subjects to a group of P4 naughtiest boys, I was given almost no help at all. I struggled on my own without a mentor, struggling with the workload and handle some of the difficult situations the boys are in and I can surely and definitely tell you this, I enjoyed it!
Maybe it's the love for kids. I don't complain. In fact, I think I worry too much for the boys. But hopefully I wish that they are infected by my love for them and one day succeed in life. I appreciate how the parents thank me for taking care of their children.
Well, you must be thinking why I am so damn happy right now... Or should I say ESTATIC is the word to use.. Becos in my school, there are 3 contract teachers (CT) who joined the school before me. And NIE only has one admission date and that's in JULY every year. If you apply for teaching after JULY, you have to serve in schools and wait for admission next yera. So, these 3 CTs joined last year after JULY and one of them which is a GUY applied for teaching last JULY and so he had to work almost 1 year before studying.
As for me, I was hoping I can get into NIE this july or if not I would have to wait for more than 1 year and that's a long wait. What a waste of my youth right?! So, being anxious, I asked alot of people for advice on this matter. He, being one of them. The conversation is as follows:
ME: Erm JY, you will be going to NIE this year right?
JY: Ya, why lei?
ME (hoping to get some information from him) : Have you received the letter from them?
JY: Not yet. Why lei?
ME: Just want to see if I will be joining NIE this year or next year.
JY: You ah, very hard la! Cos before you got two batches so must wait. Most likely next year!
Well, let me tell u this loud and clear JY,
dui ah! he must be cursing! wahahahaha....
So dear friends, SAlly is going back to her school life and she's paid!
Cant hide my happiness... send me some love man...
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