Thursday, April 30, 2009
A Soccer Match (a must-read for ur weekend!)
Later, the goalkeeper kicked it out of the goal and it landed on somebody. The person purposely pushed the goalkeeper and the goalkeeper got injured. The goalkeeper was sent to the hospital and the person was out of the game.
It was half time! The coach was watching who was the best and he said, "You are the best!" to my friend. (this is classic) My friend was delighted after he heard the massage.
When they went onto the field, their opponent quickly dash and tackled them! they lost the ball and their opponent kicked into the goal. After the match end we shake our hand and it makes us happy.
WTH! This is totally absurd.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
hate this kind of feeling!
btw, many ppl commented that i have been losing weight, ONCE AGAIN... have been eating alot but i think it's only normal for me to lose some weight during work.. mayb because of the stress or trying to adapt, but no worries, i will not take good care of myself cos i do not wan to becum a bamboo stick too...
ok... off i go to enjoy my weekends! so lucky, nth much to do for homework
Friday, April 24, 2009
happy weekends! TGIF!!!!!!!!! REALLI THANK GOD!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
conquer the world
no point hurting yourself when u cant settle things
instead of spending time worrying
i could have started on many things
i must be strong and determined
n the world wont be small to me anymore
save sally
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Seriously, now is the point where i ask myself "am i able to cope with this stress" my answer is YES! come to think of it, this isn't the first time i place myself in such situation.. Today's absence from school puts my tight teaching schedule and poor students at a risk.. Tmr will be International Friendship day and another one hr of my curriculum time will be used up.. Plus, teh Maths and Science trail which i have not touched and the 2 maths topics and Science prac which i have promised myself and the class tat i will go through by this week will be affected badly.. wad should I do!!!!!
Planning shoudl be what i needed the most now.. i must change my original plan and finished marking what i am supposed to do by today! so that tmr when i go back to school, everything will be a breeze! arghhhhh..........
stupid International Friendship Day, why do u have to come at this time!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
BUT ...
I am so wrong...
One of the key figures in this new class which i would like to share with u.
- PW: a boy that is very very big for his age. when i say big, i am refering to his size not his height.. he always wear pe t shirt in class and given his size, his t shirt seems to be bursting anytime...i felt quite intimidated when i saw him the first time, he was sitting in front of the class, big and SUPER LOUD.. the volume he used for speaking is almost the same as shouting... maybe he has a big diaphragm too because he can talk continuously for 3 periods and not stopping for breaks.. everytime i saw him talking, i have to personally walk over to his side, pull him back to his seat.. u can imagine how much courage i take to do that.. i am afraid of him punching me back.. but turned up, a big boy like him has small guts.. when u threaten to call his parents, he will pull a long face, and cover his ears.. very childish rite.. ya, u will say this is expected from young boys.. but i can assure u, what he did, does not suit his image.. the irony? though big size and quite rugged, he has a chinese name that sounds like a gal! i will shiver everytime when i call his name because it realli does not suit him...
So this is what happened in class today... He has this habit of removing his shoes in class. he will walk around the class with no shoes and his socks will get all dirty... Having warned him many times not to do it, he came into class after his CCA, removing his shoes rite in front of me.. being very very pissed with his behaviour, i decided to sabo him back (pls, i dun do it on purpose, can u imagine how angry i am when he keeps disturbing my class by walking all ard and not listening to what i have to say).
Dialogue between PW and I
me: can u pls sit down and stop talking while i am talking?
me: yes i know, but ur voice is very loud... i cant hear my own voice when i am talking.. so pls cooperate..btw, i want u to wear ur shoes..
me: den wear ur rugby shoes!
me: can u lower ur volume ur u talk... u noe what u reminds me of? AH PEKS! those ah peks who always drink coffee at the coffee shops, removing their slippers and dig their toes.. The only step that stops u from becoming a full ah pek is u haven start to dig ur toes..
whole class started laughing...
feeling embarassed, he wore his shoes and sulked at the corner of the class!
FUNNY RITE! see, teaching can be very interesting.. u get to meet many kinds of students.. the lazy ones, the chirpy ones... and today i am v happy because i followed my teaching plan and managed to complete what i need to teach within my meagre two hours.. cheers for myself!
i am sooooooooooooooooo looking to my long weekends.........
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A new pair of jeans from Levis. anyway levis is having a promotion for ppl like us between 16 to 24 yrs old. This is how it goes:
You choose a pair of jeans, based on ur age (eg. 21), they will deduct 21 x2 ($42) from the actual price.. quite worth it actualli...
A new water bottle from NIKE.. i just topped up 5 dollar to get this because of the vouchers that i have redeemed.. This bottle is so much bigger so i can carry more water to class.. u noe scolding adn shouting can get me pretty thirsty.
A new pair of wedges from Pazzion.. this is my favourite purchase for the day.. it's comfy and most importantly, the shoes is light so u wun feel like u are wearing bricks...
oh and i bought two pairs of working pants from G200.. on discounts
Some more pic to share with u all..
A gift from Desmond.. this was given to me last Saturday.. should have posted the pic long ago but i forgot..
*he said that it is not silver but white gold AND I MUST CLARIFY THIS IN MY BLOG
it's a necklace from SK jewellery.. A silver heart witha small red heart attached to it.. pic is not clear enuff...
while i was going through the morning papers, i came across this advertisement from Tiffany and co... To all of u guys who are pondering on what to give ur fren for her 21st birthday, this is what i suggest..
Go check this out.. u will be amazed by all the different designs..
one of my favs

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I would say that March has been a really fun and relaxing month for me.. Starting off with only a week of work and then proceeded with weeks of holidays.. Though there were many birthdays in that month(which meant that i was sucked dry by now), I must admit that this is the best month I have ever had so far.. And boy, time did passed slowly for that month... I got to do some catching-up with frens, played bowling and many things which I was deprived of when I was working..
And now comes April, another month where we wil be having the GOOD FRI holi soon.. Just when i am so looking forward to APril because of the endless school events that are planned for this month, i was told to relief a P4 class till the end of the this term... Well, it's not as if i did not try it before BUT it is so different this time round, because i have to be responsible for their learning.. The form teacher who went on maternity leave actually wrote down a long list of instruction for me to follow.. maths, science and english!
What can i say?. i have spoken to the relevant person on my doubts and queries but they still insisted on letting me take charge.. teh only thing i can do is to pray that miracles will happen...
haiz.. what a lousy start for the month!