Contestant No 1: Erm, heehee, the Balam Sisters hor, they say I look like Gollum from Lord of the Rings.

Name: Balam Snigger a.k.a the pervert from 5th floor
Features: Balding with a few strands of hair in the middle of the head, 八字眉, pale face and stick thin arms
Likes: Girls (fat, skinny, old, young, as long as you have breasts he will like), hovering around girls just like how a vulture hover around a dying prey, saying "my aunty lives here" when you asked him where he wanted to go.
Wears: Oversized t-shirts, wears specs and favourite accessories is a plastic bag
Spotted: When you see full moon (Ah woooooooooo), when the void deck is quiet, where girls came home late at night, and the road is empty, you will see him wandering, searching for his prey, found and his face lights up. Then he followed, sometimes walking very close to you and giggled. When you ask him why he followed you, he gave you a innocent confusing road like he didn't.
Weakness: Run off when you shout at him (Go away go away!) or (Arrrghhhhhh!) and off he go, scurrying down the stairs or off to the other side of the road.
MM: So, I see there is really a resemblance.
Balam Snigger: Ya, ya, i think so too.
MM: Seems like you are not very popular with the gals at your neighbourhood. And what exactly is inside your plastic bag? Why you always carry it around with you?
Balam Snigger: I dunno, maybe i keep some toilet paper inside in case I get excited and I nosebleed. But I like the plastic bag cos I can act like I'm looking for something in my bag when someone caught me following her. Heheeeeeee, hehhheeeeeee.......
MM: Walau, I think you are really a bloody psycho man! Hurry up judges, give us the results! I can't stay any longer with this guy man!

Resemblance: 80%!!!!!!!!!!!
MM: Ok! What a night we have! That's all for today. Stay tuned for the next episode of Super Sunday! Goodbye!
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