I have a few more days before starting work so I decided to make full use of all these days. So I have already planned on what things to do and so on.
Yesterday, I went out with Joan. To catch a movie, Rule #1. For those faint-hearted one, I recommended that you go and watch. Cos I want you to be scared to death! WAHAHAHA! Yes, it is very scaryyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I find two types of horror movies scary, the HK and Thai one. Actually for me hor, as long as it is a ghost story, I will find it scary one la. You can ask Joan! She is my movie kakis. So recently, we have been watching alot of ghost movies together.
Body 19:

We tot it is a thai horror movie so it will be like Shutter that scary. We decided to catch it after sch, taking along long bus from tampines all the way to AMK and watched. I remembered the movie was so gross and shocking cos the ghost is like a scary alien or witch with damn long hair that are dropping and rotting body and big boobs which is very distracting. And becos of all these scary scenes, we ended up clutching to each other.. Ok maybe only me clutching to Joan. Worst of all, we went to a new cinema, watch it at a timing that has very few people with only the two of us in that roles and Joan always like to make me sit inside where there will be no one beside me, making me paranoid.
After the movie, we even went to eat, guess what, STEAMBOAT! I swear man, that is the worst meal I have ever had. I paid 12 dollar and I ended up eating less than 3 dollar, with Joan happily eating while I feel bloated. After the movie, we even said to each other that Body 19 had the ost confusing and stupid storyline ever.

Since we were not satisfied with Body 19, we decided to catch One Missed Call.
Rmb the One Missed Call with its poster showing a ghost with very large eyes? I tot it was about aliens too. But no. Again, I found it scary and Joan and I were screaming all the way. And I learned to use something to cover my eyes whenever the scary parts are out. So at the end of the show, I realised I did not watch much.

Then, recently there is a rage where ang mohs bought Asian ghost stories and converted it into the American edition. So, I told Joan, "Ok, let's go catch the eye!" Being very courageous, I jio Joan out to watch. Why? Cos I tot I knew the storyline le, it wouldn't be that scary(Btw, I found the chinese version of the eye and the thai shutter as two of the scariest movies). Furthermore, I like Jessica Alba and I told think the American version's sound effect would be scary. So, we went and watched. I really had to thank that counter lady who gave me a pamphlet. Cos that was really useful throughout the movie. I think I covered my eyes with that throughout 80% of the show.
Though we know the storyline, we still screamed and stuck closely to one another like glue man. The most scary parts would have to be at the beginning aft Jessica got the transplant and she was in the hospital where she saw the old lady beside her folowing a dark figure out of the room. Den, when she was looking for her, she heard a very loud "Ehhhhhhhhhhh!" That part, I shout so loud man and Joan was so funny lor.. Cos, before the show, she said she wants to get some tidbits if not her mouth itchy when watching the movie. I warned her not to but she insisted.
So during the start of the show, you see her happily eating her kachang puteh. Munching ah, den when that part was coming, she was scared. And then I heard someone kachiong u noe, quickly finding the cover and covered the kachang puteh and put it at the side! Hahaha... Smart huh, cos she scared later she get chua tio and all her $2 will dropped onto the floor, wasted!
Still not enough, we went to watch Rule #1 yest!

As we did not have time to have lunch, we went to get some bread and smuggled in. She, being the ever challenging fren I had, decided to try something different this time round. Again, I warned her that my sis said the show is scary and disturbing. You know what she did? She bought 3 bread, 2 of which are garlic bread. I asked her, "u sure u wanna eat that inside?", she ignored me. So i bought one pork floss and one sausage bun and we went in to watch. I knew I won't eat when the show gets scary, so at the start, I quickly finished up my pork floss bun while she slowly eating her sausage bread. Den she asked me how cum I not eating my second bread.
At that time, the show was starting to get more and more gross. So I decided to focus on the movie. She, being hungry again, took out her garlic bread and eat.. The funny thing is that whenever the scary parts came out, she willput her bread back into the bag. So you kept hearing the plastic bag sound. Why I say she is steady man, cos she dun wan to give up on her garlic bread. So she took out her bread and took a bite, thinking it's clear now, den the next min, the ghost came out again and she put back!
So when the movie finished, I asked her if she had finished her bread and she said "Aiyah, I realised we watched horror movies very wasted one, cos throughout the movie, you keep covered your eyes so you din get to see much pictures. Den for me, I everytime wan to eat something also cannot one lei!"
Don't you think Joan is very funny meh? So, she is going to jio me go watch Shutter with her soon and I told her, this time round, NEVER eat inside the cinema, cos we will be very busy! hahas......
Oh ya, I forgot to share on one last thing, when we were watching Rule #1 yest, there was a not very fat middle aged uncle who was sitting on the same row as us but opposite, which means he is sitting near the steps. Then during the exciting part of the movie, his phone rang. So usually we will immediately end the call and call back later or wad rite, but he just continued to let the phone ring while he slowly took out his ear pieces. So someone behind him, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh him very loudly. He ignored and answered the call, speaking very loudly in hokkien. Maybe because he cannot hear what the person on the line was toking about, he went out.
So after 5 min later, he came back and he sounded very pissed off. He said very loudly to his fren" Ba lang kua hee, yi ji ji meng wa wu zhou gang bo? Ang zhua bo zhou gang, CB lah!"
Ok when you read out this sentence, you must sound pissed off and dragged the last part of the sentence in order to get the best effect k! (translated: people watch movie, she keep asking me today got work not, how cum nv go work, CB la) I tell you, Joan and I heard that and we turned to him. at the end of the show, we couldn't stop laughing man. I told my mum she also laughed!
that's all,