I love this day! ♥
I really do!
The weather was perfect! The food was good! The conversation was interesting! The company was the best!
Oh and lastly, the pictures turned out gorgeous too (IMO)!
Maybe a little 三八! LOL
Ok, so the theme of KT's birthday celebration was English High Tea. Upon hearing that, I thought of floral prints for my outfit of the day.
English = Rose? Flowers?
Picnic = Airy and shorts?
In the end, it turned out that only Nisha and I were coincidentally wearing floral tops and KT and SH were wearing beach wear. We did not plan in advance one ok!

Waiting for the tram to send us to Tanjong Beach

Such a coincidence hor?


The stuff we brought along for the picnic

Initially we thought it will rain cos the sky looked gloomy! Lucky the dark clouds just gathered and passed! Turned out that the weather was windy and a little sunny after a while.


And so we reached Tanjong Beach! It was pretty peaceful with few people there unlike Siloso and Palawan.

White sandy beach!
We wanted to find a shelter or pavilion in case it rained and we need to make sure that the food wouldn't get wet. But most of them were taken. Then we saw that white tent in the background and Nisha suggested having our picnic there! There were some workers nearby removing a huge tent (possibly there was a party before) and so we didn't use that tent. Imagine us eating and then some workers come to chase us out LOL!
In the end, we found an empty shelter further down the beach.

Food we brought!

French fries from Long John Silver (contributed by KT)

Ham and egg mayo sandwiches by Nisha (really yummy!)

Alot of "Liao" lei!

Fruit and vege salad by Nisha (eaten with yogurt as the dressing)

Beard Papa puffs by ME!

Strawberries with whipped cream by SH

Croissants with sausages by SH
What a spread and we couldn't finish all!

Oh and we bought orange juice to make our picnic feel more "english" LOL
Nisha said we should drink the orange juice and looked atas like a TAI TAI and here's what we did...

Our playlist of the day...
After busy eating and chatting, it was time to pass KT her birthday present!
Wait! Before that, she must wear something specially bought for her by Nisha...

Bunny ears headband

Her melted and squashed Bday cake...

Her birthday present which was an angbao...

Then, everyone got a try on the headband...

It was KT's turn to pass us the Xmas presents she got for us... So nice of her!

A purple choc rose for SH

Pink choc rose for Nisha

Can't stop posing with her flower! hahaha

Mine is different! Choc casino chips! She said she knows I love to gamble hahahahaha!

And Nisha continued to pose again for the camera!

Very bollywood right! LOL
Some photos we took using self timer! They were so funny!

Aiyoh! Really very
PS: I'm departing tomorrow morning at 9am! Can't wait for this holiday! Happy last week of 2010 everyone! Enjoy it and when I come back, it will be 2011!