Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Hate u!
Monday, July 28, 2008
My Two Babies
How much they have grown? Miss them... Btw, my dear frens, suddenly i feel like i got alot to blog about... more updates comin up soon.. Stay tuned..
Oh, and to make my blog fresher, i have changed the colour of my background...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
My favourite place + Joan's Bday
1. Because it is a great place for frens to sit down and chit chat without worrying that u have bno place to sit or ppl chasing u away..

Ok, so now i show u guys the pictures taken on Joan's bday...
Joan is very funny. I think she nv use camera before so she v excited and when she was taking pics of teh food, she made sure that the food really fit into the frame just nice.
We actually wanted to take pictures in the hut but got this "tua han zi" sitting inside the hut reading newspaper! Didn't he know that the hut is meant for taking photos and not reading? So in the end we can only take with the sign.
That day, I felt very flattered cos Joan wore so nice and pretty for our outing.. My face "mian zi" very big huh... wear heels somemore!!!!
We went for dessert after that at Secret recipe..
Frens forever!
What is your definition of a birthday?
Alright, today's topic started because i had just celebrate a really close fren's birthday and with more other frens' birthdays coming up, this thing starts coming up in my mind and i wondered if anyone of u feel the same like i do.
Do you always feel happier when celebrating other people's birthday? You will try to come up with surprises, think of what to give as a present and do your best to make it a memorable one for them. BUT, the problem is, when it comes to your OWN birthday, u may not be that excited.. The vibe is gone...
That's the problem i am facing now.. Ok, more on like i have been facing this since i was young.. I used to get really excited, chirpy when my birthday was approaching. It's that anticipation that makes me feel like the whole world is going to celebrate for me, just me! WHY? For a super idiotic reason,
Lame i know, but that's what i am feeling.. But when it comes to the actual day, oh man, everything's gone.. I wake up feeling grumpy and sick.. True, because i was always sick on my birthday! Could be my mind playing a trick on me.. All the xing li zhuo yong.
As i grew up, it became worse.. I feel like i don't even think of my birthday as anything special. Just a normal day what! No need celebration.. Though i was feeling grumpy, it's my frens (yes u guys) who brightened me up because of all the surprises and all.. So sweet.. Everytiem i get nice and sweet messages that started sending in at the strike of midnight and best of all i got presents which i nv asked for...
Seriously, what i really enjoyed on a birthday woulld be my fren's company.. No need expensive presents (but in my heart i wan something like iPOD), no need expensive treats (no swensons but go eat seafood can la), but just bring me out to somewheer where i will enjoyed..
Like i always tell my colleagues, I am very shui bian one... haha.. in the right sense, dun think the other way...
Last thing, sometimes i think very hard to find ways to celebrate my frens' birthday.. So, just qns posed to u guys. What ur definition of a birthday? How would u wan ur fren to celebrate for u? Tell me, let me know so i wun have to think so much.. My brain cells are degenerating and sometimes i wonder if i really has become a bit slow..
Ok, i am feeling very sleepy so i wil have an early rest, preparing for the hike tomorrow.. See, i dun mind going hiking on my birthday too....... hahaah.. good night
Saturday, July 19, 2008
My wish list!
Oh ya, before i forget, i will like to announce to u ppl that i got my first debit card!!!!!! Yea, i know it is no big deal but still dun u think that it's good to start from debit slowly moving to credit and lastly get my platinum card? Hopefully, i wish that with my new debit card, my money wil start to roll in too... cos i have so many things that is on my mind but i dun have to money to buy..Now i will make a wish list. Counting down from 10 finally to my NO 1 item on my wish list...
10. I want to go laser away my freckles.
9. Time for new mascara, blushers..
8. Go for manicure and pedicure. You guys know how stingy i used to be? I dun go to manicures and pedicures cos last time i have no money and i think that i can do a better job myself.. So i paint and trim my own nails.. But coem to think of it, wun it be good to let others do it for u once?
7. Give me new working pants and shirts man! I am so sick of what i am wearing every week! Arrgh.....
6. I wan a new pair of jeans... Good quality and fitting one..
5. My own customize bear, i think kt know the outfits fo my bear!
4. Feel like buying a denim jacket from fox.. but aft discount still quite ex lei.. So no choice.. wait first..
3. Seriously, i mean it when i say it.. I wan rest and my own time... This two months have been realli hectic for my.. i have no tiem to do my own things.. Time flies and before i know it, my 1 and a half day weekend just passed and i need to go for work again... I just feel tired, tired and tired... Give me a break man!
2. I wan to go KBOX!!!!!!!!! I wan to sing badly.. All becos of Cao ge and all the singing competitions shwo i watched lately...
1. It's none other than an iPod Classic or Nano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wan and iPod so i can download all teh videos on youtube..especially ANTM all cycles and watched them on my way to work, way home and whenever and wherever i am.. Just like bringing a portable tv out! haha, and i will be the envy of all.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Run out of things to say
She is now more of like a sex goddess kind of model, cos she appeared in magazine like Playboy, Maxim... oh, she is an investor and married.

Cycle 2: Yoanna House

Cycle 5: Nicole Linkletter
Sorry but i just dun feel like she is a model to me.. And cycle 5 is the episode that i missed the most episodes so i am going to rewatch and do her some justice.. i just feel like she went to the wrong competition.. She should join pageant, she's just so soft and fragile and graceful.. Maybe that's wat the cycle needed for a winner. Not my fav, but her pics were great..
Cycle 6: Danielle Evans
My favorite winner and cycle of all. Cos she and the other finalist Joanie are so nice to each other.. they do not need any bitching or under actions to win.. I just feel that both of them are so good that they all deserved to be winners. Plus danielle change her name to dani and in the competition, she had this gap between her front teeth like Madonna and she do not wan to do filling until last few episode where Tyra forced her den she did it.. Joanie had some tooth prob too and she had to pull out one super large tooth... Aiyah, the one thing to say is this cycle is the best of all.. She talked funnily too, she always get targeted by Tyra and miss jay for her weird accent liek those hip hop kind.. But she is tall pretty with good figure. Realli enjoyed it.. I even watched when i was having exams the next day...
Cycle 7: Caridee English
Well, I liked her and she did look like a model.. Those American sexy model but she realli went thru alot throughout the competition.. She said she had skin prob when she was young.. Cant realli tell now rite? And her lips are sexy..
Cycle 8: Jaslene Gonzalez
I cant rmb if she is spanish or mexican... But she is so thin to me.. And i did not expect her to win.. I was hoping for Renee, but seems like she is more of a model.. She is super skinny.. Realli.. when she talked, her brows will like cringed up and her wrinkles on the forehead will show.. How i know cos i saw the covergirl competition episode where she had to speak and it's horrible to me..
Damn it, u see la, once started blogging cannot stop.. my hands aching lei.
ok Cycle 8: Saleisha Stower
This gal is realli vibrant, fun and joyful.. She is like the gal-next-door, commercial kind of model.. I did not vote for her. Instead i like the other finalist Chantal more. But like i say, u got to work the runway too if u wan to be a model. She can walked! She just got that stage presence when she hit the runway.. and she's nice and i think tyra felt that she can be the winner.
Oh, did i mention that all these winners have a message to spread to everyone.. I mean it is either they been thru alot of they are a representative of smth so that was also part of why they are crowned the America's next top model.. For saleisha rite, she used to join Tyra's day camp when she was a teenager cos she felt so insecure. So by joining the competition, she wan to show all gals out there that be confident of urself and u can get what u want..
Cycle 10: Whitney
Then for this gal rite, she got a pretty face and she realli wanted to win.. Why she realli win is because she si a plus-sized model.. this means that unlike other models where they are of size zero, Whitney is fatter and bigger in size and Tyra had been looking for a plus sized model representative since many cycles before and none of them can make it cos they either gave up halfway thru the competition or they becum skinnier. But for Whitney, she just dun care and continue eating.. but she deserved to win cos she is gorgeous and i think her pics are great.. She got the determination and she is not afraid to show ppl her body and yet be proud of it.. plus, i think Tyra let her win cos Tyra has been targeted by critics who said that she is fatter nowsadays so she wan a plus sized model to win and let everyone noe that u dun have to be skinnyy to win..
ok now all of u noe why i like the show so much.. u cant be a model but u can watched other be a model.. haha.. and the show is not those bimbo type one k, got message got standard one..! so whta are u waiting for, go watch them and discuss with meeeeeeeee.............. 2 more cycles coming up! Yea!
Suddenly i saw light in my life....